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After about a couple of hours of just me sleeping, The sound of people talking and laughing outside my room made me irritatingly wake up. It was getting pretty dark outside which was kinda confusing since I didn't sleep that long.

Before I could ignore the talking and go back to sleep, my alarm started ringing loudly, making my ears ring at the sudden sense of high pitched noise.

Without hesitation my hand made its way to the annoying alarm clock and knocked it harshly onto the floor. I'm starting to think it was unbreakable.

"I'm going to get drunk as a bitch! Make sure to record haha!" Someone said as everyone with him snickered and laughed.

"Maybe we can pick up a couple of chicks to yeah?"


The people who's voices were loud enough to hear from my room soon started getting more distance as they walked further away. Seemingly going to that party, or whatever they were babbling about. I didn't really care much about anyone or anything.

After a while of staring off into space to wake myself up, My body finally moved from off my bed and I headed towards my refrigerator to find something good enough to eat to fix my empty stomach. But then from the corner of my eye I saw something under the refrigerator.

It was a fucking condom. Probably from the time Retz threw a party in my dorm and decided to invite literally everyone. Just the thought of people having sex in my dorm made me want to kill everyone.

Guess no one knows how to clean up messes. My face turned into a disgusted look as I grabbed a paper towel and picked up the small condom, immediately throwing it in the trash. Hopefully I didn't find anymore of them, Especially not in my place.

But Because I didn't have anything better to do, I completed some of my assignments that I never got to finish due to messing around with Gon. But after I got done my mind randomly picked up a thought, leaving me with a smirk.

It'd be kinda fun if I found those two guys who kept me in there little house. Maybe I could practice my torturing skills on them instead. Where was I going to find them?

Haven't got a clue. But I will, and when I do I'll grab every knife I have just to play with them. And maybe Retz to, if she's not already dead yet.

It's funny how two random people thought they could just capture a skilled assassin and then get away with it. Even thought that Noah guy helped me out a little, he can't just leave without having a Scar on him at least.

As soon as I stopped thinking about them, more people came walking down the hallway outside of my room, laughing and talking about that stupid party.

"Come on or we might miss it!" A girl like voice said as her purse chains clashed together making a small ring, and her small heels made the floor tap annoyingly as they walked.

It's like whenever theres a party, everyone fucking makes noise in only my area. Fuck It, they do that even when there isn't a party going on. Loud music, Laughing and yelling, stomping?? What the hell is wrong with all those animals.

The noises of purses and heels finally left and obviously went to head to that party that literally everyone suddenly gave a shit about. And Me being me just sighed and continued to find something to do, Inside my room.


Hours later of watching Tv and scrolling on my phone, I began to feel a rush of Boredom spread in me. It made me Slouch lazily on my couch and sigh loudly. There was nothing to do and I really didn't feel like dressing up in all black just to sneak up on some random person and kill them.

I closed my eyes and thought about what Illumi was doing with Retz. He couldn't keep her for long because her popular friends and family would start to worry about her or something. And they would probably blame me considering they are constantly talking about me being a murder.

Which I am, they just don't really know that. It's something they like teasing me about every single day because I'm always off somewhere, and almost got caught for a crime.

Illumi knows that, so maybe that's why he took Retz. Or because she did sneak in my room and he's kinda over protective with every little thing. Was he even serious about threatening to take me back home if I didn't train?

I chuckled to myself at the thought and placed my arms behind my neck for a comfortable position. I'll just find those two guys that are probably going to try and find me, then just use them as my training.

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