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Ever since killua left his Favorite cake from his favorite bakery in the class room he's been in a very terrible mood. Everyone he passed and pushed in the hallway, he gave them all the scariest, deepest glare he could. All because he was hungry.

If his looks could kill, they would all be dead.

After he finally made it threw the crowed and noisy hallways, he hadn't even noticed that he walked into the boys bathroom.

Just as he's about to go to the sink, a familiar face came out the first stall closest to killua.

"Oh, hey! It's you!" The tall handsome boy said.

"Gon...was it..?"
Killua wasn't as Enthusiastic to see someone that made him leave his breakfast.

"You actually remembered my name?"

Killua didn't really wanna talk to Gon at the moment so he did his famous glare that everyone was scared of. Gon didn't show any sign of fear, or even emotions. Suddenly he smiled and went towards his book bag that way lying on the pastel blue walls.

Killua was left dumbfounded by his weird Actions, suddenly he pulled out the cake that killua had been looking forward to ever since he got inside the school. He then remembered how gon is popular and could have easily did something weird with his cake.

"You don't want it..?" Gon sounding a little disappointed.

As much as killua wanted the cake, he had huge trust issues. So instead of taking the cake he glared at gon even harder, even though it wasn't as bad as before.

"I swear I didn't do anything with it, I left it the same as it was found."

"And why the hell should I trust you?"

Killua said sternly still holding his glare.

"Because your mini cake is still in good shape! no one would dare touch something that's in my hands."

was all killua managed to say out of his mouth.

"You owe me cutie" gons saids while pulling his phone out and winking.

Killua felt his whole face go red so he snatched the cake away from gon and and pouted. Killua didn't know why he was acting so weird around gon. But he only did it because gon gave his cake back. Or at least that's what he thought.

Gon smirked at killua enjoying the small short little by Beneath him. Killua was at least to his chest.

"There's no way that I'm giving you my number!"

"Please killua!"

Killua stared at him with a shocked expression, wondering how he knew his name. But then not so long after killua knew it was because of rumors spreading around like crazy.

"Fine, but don't expect me to text you idiot."

Gon happily exchanged phones with killua so they could put each other's phone number in.
Killua felt awkward since he didn't even know him that well and gon was coming off flirty.

But some part of him was happy that he actually got someone who was really popular to acknowledge him a tiny bit.
Killua really enjoyed having a dorm. It meant that he didn't have to stay in that maniac house, even though he dearly missed his sister Alluka.

"That day was so tiring, but I really wanna know why gon wanted my number." Killua mumbled while holding his phone close to his chest, right before he heard a ding.

"Damn it, please just be a nonfiction."

Killua really wasn't in the mood and all he wanted to do was sleep. After he ate his cake. it got him really tired. And plus the the long day he just had made him even sleepier. He slowly lifted his phone to his face to see the name above the text "Gonnie❤️"

Killua couldn't help but cringe and giggle at the same time.

"What does this idiot want now?"

Hey killua, I'm expecting
You to text me 😌

"Why is he even texting me? He's probably just using me for something anyways. Better play the role."

Hey killua, I'm expecting
you to text me 😌

What do you want idiot?

I wanted to get to know
You better and all..

Okay okay. Who told you
To do this? I'm used to your little popular Friends bullying me so You better say something
And leave already.

I swear it's just me!
I found you cool because you
Didn't just want me for popularity. And I needed a friend like that...

Fine. But I'm changing your name to idiot on my phone. Kay?

Of course! Thank you killua
I really appreciate it. But you should get some sleep. And if your curious your name on my phone is cutie😉

Goodnight Gon 🙄

"T..that baka! He's so annoying"

Killua decided to turn The TV on just so he would have something to sleep to, he actually couldn't get his mind off of gon. He wanted to speak to him more on the phone, but he thought he would be a burden or a creep. So he decided to just drift off to sleep with his mind resting at peace.

But the thing that came up in his mind was he actually liked gons name for killua, and Killua liked the name Gonnie. So he kept that on his phone just so he can smile at it.

Killua never realized how happy he could be just by talking on the phone with still a total stranger he doesn't even know that well. Killua finally headed off to sleep all comfortable and happy. He couldn't wait to see gon tomorrow.


The next day of school came by really fast. The halls were crowded as always, everyone was basically shouting their lungs out just so they can hear themselves. It was basically a normal day.

Killua was blushing just thinking about seeing gon, not only because he's cute. But because killua loves the way he's so happy and his smile gives him butterflies.

Looking out in the distance he could see a spiky haired teen coming his way. But with someone else attached to his arm. Killua turned from cute to angry In only a matter of 2 seconds.

He wanted to walk away and leave, but the spiky haired teen went faster to grab killuas wrist and stop him.

"Killua? Are you okay?"

1054 words

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