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"Already have your order ready Killua." Bisky said to me as she smiled and handed over a chocolate cake with the words 'brat' on it.

I glared playfully at her and held the bakery box with my spare arm. "Maybe I'll try making one for you, Just with the words old hag on it." 

"You brat! Get out of here!"
Bisky yelled as she threw a plastic fork at me and glared. It earned us a few looks from people but we didn't pay any attention to it much, I just waved goodbye and walked out, still keeping the box in my spare arm carefully. 

Once I was out of the bakery, My gaze fixated on random things admiring how nice it was outside.

But then Out of the corner of my eye, I happened to see Gon with other people, Friends of his probably. It wasn't any of my concern so my gaze left him and I continued to walk back towards the school.

"Ow- Fuck!" Something bit me on my neck which made me almost drop my cake, but luckily my reflexes were good enough to catch it from slipping in time.

It was a stupid mosquito flying around me, I stopped walking for a second just to scratch the place where it bit me which felt really good considering that shit bit me hard.

Nice sunny days always comes with the worst kinda bugs. Especially bees. Honestly if I had of ran into one of those I would've just dropped the cake and ran.

After I finished messing with the mosquito bite I continued to walk the rest of the way to school. A while later I made it to my dorm, grabbing my keys out of my pocket and opening my door quickly so I could get the cake refrigerated.

But instead I saw Illumi with his hand around Retz's neck holding her up off her feet.  "Oh killu. Look who I caught looking threw your stuff." His eyes made their way to Retz and Immediately looked threatening.

It sent shivers down my spine but I ignored. Retz was desperately trying to breath in as much air as she possibly could but Illumi was obviously upset at her and was choking her to death. I sighed In irritation and walked up to her.

"Going threw my stuff huh? That's not very polite." With one quick motion I knocked her out by pressing my hand against her neck, hitting her pressure point.

"Can you just take her somewhere else? I got a lot of things to do and I don't want her tied up in my room."  Illumi stared blankly as always and picked her up with ease.

"You should train more. Keeping her here would definitely help you learn in torturing."  Illumi said keeping his scary gaze on me.

"This is a school. If everyone finds out she's missing there probably going to call teachers on me."  I said as I placed my cake in the refrigerator, and put my arms behind my neck tiredly.

Illumi gave me one final look. Surprising showing a bit of confusion. But then he just turned away and lifted Retz up in his arm a little more while leaving from my dorm window quickly.

I sighed and plopped down on my bed, laying on my stomach with my arms and legs spread out in a comfortable position. I didn't do much today but I still felt tired.

Retz was probably going to be killed and I didn't do anything about it. Because I didn't give two shits about what would happen to Her in the first place. Why was she even in my room in the first place? How did she even get in?

I irritatedly groaned and rolled over to where I was on my back. I was tired, but at the same time I wasn't. For some reason my mind felt like There was something missing, or wrong. It was kinda boring without Gon's stupid smile, Or him texting me..

Wasn't I the one who told him to forget about me? Now why Couldn't I get him out of my head?

Nah, I just won't think about it anymore. He's just a popular guy who I have no interest in. Forgetting is the best thing both of us can do. I won't be bothered with anymore drama, and he will do whatever he does as a popular person.

Acting like we never met is the best Change I can think of. We'll both go our separate ways and then I can finally do more things without having to be distracted by him. Not that I was in the first place..

Changed for the better (Gonkillu)Where stories live. Discover now