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After I finished my walking. I went back to the dorms to hear loud music, enough to make you go deaf from the raging speakers. "Why do teachers expect this...?" I mumbled angrily while rubbing my forehead.

As I go closer to my dorm room, the music starts to get louder and louder by every step I take. I then start running to my dorm with rage feeling up inside me.

I knock on the door silently and it happened to be a person beside the door. They opened it and once they saw me, instant regret and fear built up in their face.


Everyone turned their direction to me and everything went silent.

"Oh? Now you wanna stop..? Who the fuck invited you to crash my damn place?!"

I was furious. I could feel the blood coming out of my palms from clenching them hard.

"It...it was her!"

I look towards the guy that spoke up and he pointed to a girl with big blue turquoise eyes and curly blonde hair. It was Retz.

I walked dangerously near her.

"Why did you start a party in my fucking house...?" 

I already knew the answer. She wanted to piss me off. I didn't want it to get to me but after I looked around the trashy place, I saw some of my clothes on the floor and rappers of my chocolate that got eaten. And that Got me pissed as hell.

Retz didn't reply. And everyone in the room went silent again. "So...What if I did throw the party? You can't do nothing about it." 

The part that made me disgusted was her trying to act all cocky. I didn't want to hit her because she was a girl. And because everyone would tell a teacher. I would have to be expelled.

I grabbed her by her collar and pulled her towards me. Everyone gasped, some looked away and some were stunned.

"I'd recommend you and everyone else here clean up my place. NOW."

Everyone started rushing and running all over the place just to clean up. I couldn't help but laugh a little at how people were so afraid of me. It was kinda fun.

I pulled Retz outside by her wrist and slammed her up against the wall.

"Don't worry. I'll pay you back soon enough....just be cautious. You might get stabbed in the back one of these days. And not by a friend."

I let Retz go and she runs away crying. I just hoped she came back to clean, which she probably wouldn't.  I shrugged it off and leaned on the wall.


I look in the direction of where I heard my name and see Gon running towards me.

"Gon what are you doing here?"

"Someone texted me what happened in your place! I was at the store so I couldn't come fast enough."

"Why did you even wanna come in the first place?"

His aura became dark and his eyes became cold. "I wanted to talk to those people who trashed your place..."

He walked passed me and slammed the door open. Everyone jumped thinking it was me. But then they all started cheering "he's come to save us!" "What would we do without you?!" And other stupid shit.

"Clean this damn dorm faster... And never come back here...or there will be problems."

I was a little bit scared myself. I've never seen Gon act so scary like that before.

"You didn't have to do that Gon. I had it under control."  I say trying to put my fear aside and act tuff.

"Sure you did...But anyways, who started it?"

"Retz. She must've did it to make me mad or something."

"I see...don't worry. I got her. You should stay in my dorm while yours is getting cleaned up."

"Hm, Ok I guess."

I was still skeptical about him but I decided to just go with it. He seemed like he was actually trying to help me.
And he was pretty cool.

I think I can be cool with him.

684 words

Changed for the better (Gonkillu)Where stories live. Discover now