4 - my thoughts will echo your name until i see you again

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A second after I'd pressed the doorbell to Connor's house, the door flew open and Chewy — their brown Labrador — attacked me with kisses and then ran past me out of the house.

"No, Chewy! Get back here," Connor shouted, pointing to the ground next to him. I turned around and saw Chewy run over to a bush, do his business, and then run past us back into the house.

"Looks like someone needed to pee," I said, closing the door after the dog and smiled up at Connor. I didn't wait for him to say anything before I wrapped him in a tight hug that he returned.

"Holy cow," I whispered and heard him sniggering over my head. We pulled away and I stared up at him with wide eyes. "Taylor. Swift. Liked. Our. Posts," I started off saying in a normal volume, emphasizing every word. "Taylor-freaking-Swift! Saw me perform, Connor! Taylor Swift actually saw me sing her songs and she liked them!"

"I know," Connor said, grinning down at me before he turned and started making his way further into the house. "Are you hungry?" he called over his shoulder.

I stared after him for a second and then ran up to him, jumping onto his back. "Connor! Do you realize how big a deal this is for me?! This is literally the one thing I wanted in life, for Taylor to know I exist!"

I clung to him as we walked into the kitchen and saw his mom standing by the sink cleaning the dishes.

"Hi mrs. M!" I called from Connor's back. She turned around and gave me the biggest smile.

"Hey Skye! I heard about your... uh, Instagram account?" she said, making us laugh. "Well, anyway, congratulations honey. This is a big deal for you, isn't it?"

I nodded, sliding down from Connor's back. Mrs. Martin was the mom that everyone fantasizes of having. She was always super friendly and understanding, and she made the best food. If I ever were to get adopted, I would want someone like her. Connor really was lucky.

He told me right after he moved in with the Martins that they had tried for a long time to have kids but that they weren't able to, so they decided to adopt instead. That was back when we were ten, and since then they had sort of raised me too. I was at their house almost every day and Mrs. Martin had even helped me buy my first training bra and stuff like that.

"We're just gonna grab a fruit and go upstairs to my room," Connor said, walking over to the fruit bowl on the kitchen island. "What d'you want? Banana, apple, orange or pear?"

"Uhm, a green apple please," I said, leaving to go upstairs. I lay down across Connor's twin sized bed and waited for him to follow me.

"You know what we should do?" Connor said once he made it into his room and plopped down next to me on the camouflage covers.

"What?" I asked, heaving myself up on my elbows to take a bite of the apple.

"We should plug our other accounts on swift-show since we've gotten so many more followers now."

Swift-show was what we called our Instagram account and we had gained even more followers since the Nashville trip, two days ago.

"Sure, have we never done that before?" I asked. I tried but couldn't remember if we had ever mentioned our personal accounts before, but it seemed like a smart idea now.

"I think we did, like, once on a story, but nothing you can see now."

I got onto Connor's laptop as he prepared the post, and pressed shuffle on Red. Starlight started playing and I grabbed one of Chewy's chew toys in the shape of a bone, using it as a microphone as I stood up on the bed and started dancing and singing.

in my wildest dreams - a taylor swift fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now