44 - september saw a month of tears

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I slowly opened my eyes and felt my head resting on something uncomfortable. Suddenly, the uncomfortable thing moved, and I watched as Joe pulled his arm away.

"Good morning," he grinned at me and patted my arm. "Sorry to wake you but my arm had fallen asleep, and I'd wake you up either way when I pulled it away."

"What time is it?" I asked, looking around. Taylor was nowhere to be found and we were both still wearing the same clothes that we'd worn yesterday when we'd been watching Blended.

"A quarter to eight," he replied with a yawn, making me yawn as well.

"Where's mom?"

We'd fallen asleep in their bed, but I assumed Taylor had gone to sleep somewhere else after seeing us sleeping on top of the covers.

"No idea."

I decided to go look for her and found her in the living room with her phone where I'd left her yesterday. The only difference from yesterday was that Tree was gone and she'd changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt.

She didn't notice me until I'd walked over to her, and she looked up when I sat down next to her.

"Good morning," she said, wrapping an arm around me in a hug as I rested my head on her shoulder.


She switched her phone off and held it in her lap as we sat in silence for a while. I didn't know how to ask about yesterday and I didn't want to upset her again, so instead I said, "Where'd you sleep last night?"

"The guest room." She jabbed her thumb over her shoulder in the direction of the third bedroom. "You two looked so cute up there, I didn't want to wake you," she said with a smile, kissing the top of my head.

"Mom?" I asked quietly. I'd finally mustered enough courage to ask her about yesterday.


"What... uhm, I think I'm going to have some breakfast, I'm pretty hungry."

Apparently not.

Joe came down when we were making breakfast and he kissed Taylor good morning as she poured coffee into three coffee cups.

I never asked Taylor about what she and Tree had done, but I didn't have to. As soon as I went onto Twitter, it was the only thing the entire fandom was talking about. And not just the fandom, everyone seemed to be talking about it. Taylor had posted an Instagram post with three pictures; one of me and her, and two screenshots of the long text that they'd written yesterday, and she'd posted the same thing to her other accounts as well.

She didn't seem angry in the text, which I thought was surprising in a good way, and it was obviously formulated really well since Taylor had been the one writing it. She talked about how disappointed she was that the media made up lies about people, but that she at the same time understood it because that's how they made money. But then she went on to talk about me and about her private life. She said that there's a difference between spreading false rumors about her and spreading it about me, because she'd signed up for this when she chose to do what she does, but that I hadn't. That I had a right to privacy and should be kept out of their fabricated stories.

Then, she talked about how I'm just a fifteen-year-old and how childish it was that people — without mentioning anyone's name — used me to merchandise their gossip magazines or article interviews. She said that they always have the option to filter things out of interviews and to not include everything in articles.

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