46 - 'cause i see sparks fly whenever you smile

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Jess — one of the friends we'd met at the Swiftie meet-up before the show and who'd been invited to the Lover Secret Sessions — lived in a town just outside of Nashville, and I was hanging out at her house. We were in her kitchen and had been discussing my last couple of weeks and everything that had happened.

"That's messed up. I feel like they should need, like, an approval of some sort or somethin'. It feels illegal," she said as she handed me the other half of her kiwi. "You could probably sue 'em."

She sat down at the kitchen island next to me and I shrugged, scooping out some of the fruit with a spoon. "I guess. But famous people put up with it all the time. Mom has done a lot of research on it and she doesn't wanna sue anyone. I don't think it would do anything to be honest, it's their job."

Jess was about to reply when we heard the front door open and voices filled the house. The voices got louder until Jess' twin brother Harvey and his friends walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, are you here," Harvey said, sounding disappointed when he saw us, and walked over to open the fridge. Harvey and Jess were usually really close, but she'd told me they had been fighting this morning, and they were apparently still a little pissed at each other.

"I could say the exact same thing about you," Jess retorted while eyeing the other three guys who kept their conversation going without Harvey.

I'd met Harvey a couple of times before, but not his friends, and as I was looking at them, one of the guys met my eyes and flashed me a smile. He was actually really cute and was wearing a pair of casual blue jeans and a beige sweater.

Jess saw him smiling at me and elbowed my arm gently to get my attention. When I looked over at her, she raised her eyebrows suggestively and grinned at me.

She leaned into me and whispered, "That's Josh."

I cast a quick look in Josh's direction and subconsciously smiled as I looked back over at Jess. "He's way cute," I whispered back.

"You should talk to him."

I made a face at her, was she crazy? I couldn't talk to guys, what was I supposed to say?

"D'you know anything about him?" I asked instead, looking at Josh sideways so that he wouldn't see me watching him. He was talking to the guys and absentmindedly ran his fingers through his brown and curly hair.

"Not a lot, sorry. He moved here pretty recently so I haven't really gotten to know him yet. He's on the football team though, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a girlfriend."

"What!?" I hissed, a little too loudly probably, but no one was paying us any attention. "How does he not have a girlfriend? What's wrong with him?"

This made Jess laugh, and we didn't even notice someone walking over to stand at the short end of the kitchen island, next to where I was sitting.

"Hi," he said suddenly, making me jump in surprise, and I turned around to see Josh leaning against the counter.

"God; you scared me," I laughed nervously and reflexively placed a hand to my chest to get my heart to slow down.

"Sorry," he said, looking directly at me, and I quickly blocked everything out but his dark green eyes . There's something so captivating about eyes that just draws a person in and makes them feel all giddy inside. Josh's eyes looked so comforting, like grass in a meadow that had been warmed by the sun.

"Uh, that's fine. You're totally fine... I mean, uhm..." I trailed off and just gave him a smile that he returned.

Aw, he had the sweetest smile.

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