7 - you've called a hundred times but i'm not picking up

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Some time had passed since I last saw or heard from Taylor and it was now about a week into March. It was the weekend and next week was spring break, but I would probably just end up spending all of it listening to reputation.

I sat on my bed with my headphones on, listening to End Game and trying to learn the words to the rap, when I got a pillow chucked at me. Looking up I saw Jade peering down at me from the top bunk, and she gestured for me to remove the headphones.


"Susan's been calling your name for a minute straight," she explained in an annoyed way, pointing to the door.

"Oh, thanks."

I paused the music, leaving my phone and headphones on the bed, and made my way downstairs to find Susan in the living room with McKenna and Mila. She looked up when I entered and got off the couch.

"There you are. Didn't you hear me when I called for you?" she asked and motioned for me to follow her to her office.

I shrugged and followed her when she'd passed me. "No, sorry. I was listening to music."

We sat down on the L-shaped couch, and it all reminded me of the last time she had called me in there which made me a little nervous.

"So, we have finally set up a meeting with Rowan."

My heart stopped beating for a second and I took a deep breath.

"He requested to meet you in Nashville on March 12th, which works out great since you have spring break next week."

"Wait, it's next week?!" I exclaimed. That would give me no time to brace myself for it.

"Yeah, it's on Monday-"

"Monday! But that's in like two days!"

Susan gave me a sympathetic look. "I know, sweetie. But that was the day he suggested. His work is apparently pretty time consuming."

I was quiet for a second before murmuring, "What does he do?"

"Uh." She looked up to the ceiling with her mouth open as she tried to remember. "I think he said something that had to do with computers."

After a lot of nagging from Susan, I had reluctantly agreed to meet him. Finley had also been the biggest reason as she had guilt tripped me into it, telling me how she would do anything to meet her parents again. I knew her parents were both dead and I felt so bad for her that I finally told Susan I would do it, but I never imagined it happening so soon.

Susan allowed me to leave her office and I went up to my room and sat down on my bed again. Jade and a few others had gone down to the park close to our house, so I was alone with only my phone as a distraction.

Without even realizing it, I had picked up my phone and was staring down at Taylor's number. I hesitated for a second but then just went for it and pressed the number, holding my phone up to my ear. I was feeling super anxious about the whole thing and was craving to hear Taylor's words of comfort but was sent directly to her voicemail.

Hey it's Taylor! I can't take your call right now but leave a message and I'll call you back as soon as I can!

The voicemail worked as a reality check for me. What was I doing? I shouldn't call Taylor for something like this. She probably had tons of other much more important things to worry about, what with her tour coming up and everything.

I tossed my phone onto Ashley's bed that was closest to mine — to give me some distance from it and to make sure I wouldn't try calling her again — and picked up a book instead to try and distract myself. I had just started reading a book called Moxie that Callie had recommended, and she had told me a lot about it, saying that it was about feminism and girl power and stuff like that. Callie was probably the biggest feminist I knew, and I loved her for it.

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