16 - message in a bottle

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I went to grab my phone and backpack from my room before I headed downstairs, passing the kitchen.

"I'm leaving now," I told Alice who was in the middle of eating breakfast. She looked up after just having taken another bite of her sandwich and waved goodbye to me.

Maeve's older brother River, who was a junior in high school, had driven us to school since the first day of the school year, and it had become routine for me to walk over to their house every morning before school started. I rang the doorbell and didn't have to wait long for the door to swing open to reveal Maeve who was standing there, ready, with a huge grin.

"You are unbelievable!" she exclaimed and attacked me in a hug. "I can't believe you did that!"

"What did I do?" I asked while laughing and trying to push her away because she was squeezing me so hard.

"You're all over my Twitter feed! Everyone's retweeted that video of you dancing! You're basically famous!" she shouted and I looked around wide-eyed.

"Shh! People are still sleeping!" I whispered and she rolled her eyes as River came up behind her and pushed past us to the car. We followed him as we continued talking.

"I can't believe you actually got to go to the Rep Room too! What was she like?" We both sat down in the backseat and I placed my backpack by my feet.

"Amazing. She's the sweetest person you'll ever meet."

If Maeve had been a cartoon character, her eyes would be jumping out of their sockets by now in the shape of two hearts. "I'm so jealous. I hope I get to meet her one day." She looked out of the window and it looked like she was daydreaming.

"I'm sure you will," I said, giving a half-suppressed laugh.

If Taylor ended up fostering me, I'd make sure Maeve would get to meet her some day.

"Yeah," she scoffed, still gazing out through the window. "Sure."

We didn't say anything else until River pulled up in front of the school, and we had to quickly get out so that he could catch up with his friends who were impatiently waiting on the other side of the parking lot.

"Do you think people have seen the video?" I asked as we walked up to the building. I hadn't thought about it before but if Maeve had seen it, then maybe other people at our school had too?

She shrugged and opened the door. "Probably."

I was relieved when everything seemed to be like it normally was. That was until I was sitting with our friend Ayleen, waiting for our Biology class to start, when Maeve's ex-bestie Corinne walked over to our desk. We'd barely exchanged a word since school started — and she and Maeve were still mad at each other — which was why it was so weird for her to walk up to us.

"Hi Skye," she said, standing on the other side of our high table, leaning her elbows on it.

Ayleen and I stopped talking and we both looked at her hesitantly. "Uhm, hi," I said but it sounded more like a question.

"So... I saw that video of you dancing. You were in the Rep Room right?"

"... yeah?"

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that it was really cool that you knew the entire dance. Did you get to meet Taylor?"

I nodded.

"That's awesome. Hey, we've got an extra seat at our table at lunch today, would you like to join us?"

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