47 - a boy in a chevy truck

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I took a deep breath from where I was standing on the inside of my bedroom door. I could hear the television in the living room and, after counting to three, opened the door to see Taylor and Joe cuddled up on the couch together.

I slowly started walking over to them, and they both looked up when they felt my presence.

"Hi hun, wanna sit? We're watching Notting Hill."

I glanced over at the screen and saw a close-up of Julia Roberts apologizing for kissing Hugh Grant, but I turned my eyes back to the couch again, shaking my head. "Uhm... I..." I gulped and didn't know how to proceed. They would probably be fine with it, but I couldn't be sure until I told them.

"Did something happen?" Taylor asked when she realized how nervous I was and grabbed the remote control to pause the movie.

"No, nothin'. Nothing happened. Uhm, I- When I was at Jesslyn's house... I sort of-" I stopped once again and took a deep breath through my nose.

They were both looking at me curiously while quietly waiting for me to tell them. I took a deep breath and decided to just do it quickly, like ripping off a band-aid. "I met someone... sort of. His name's Josh and he moved here pretty recently from close to where I used to live. Uh, I gave him my number and now... he... asked me out on a date."

We'd texted each other back and forth during these past two days, and he'd asked me out yesterday morning. I'd had to take some time to think about it but had finally decided on going.

"Really? You're going on a date? That's so exciting!" Taylor said happily, sitting up properly.

"Who is this guy? Josh? Was he there when I picked you up?" Joe asked and he didn't sound half as excited as Taylor.

I smiled involuntarily just thinking about him and looked down to the floor. "Yeah..."

"Hm, he should've come out to greet me. I'd have wanted to meet the bloke who's asking you out on a date. He should've introduced himself."

I looked up at Joe amused and shrugged. "Well, you can meet him in two hours when he comes to pick me up."

Taylor gasped. "Two hours?! Skylar! That's nothing! Did you already pick out something to wear? Where is he taking you?"

"Mom, relax. I already have an outfit planned. I just thought I should tell y'all before he gets here. I'm leaving to get dressed now."

I started heading back to my room with a satisfied smile and heard Joe calling after me, "I'm meeting this boy before you leave with him!"


Two hours later, I had finished getting ready. I'd left my natural curls untouched and made a small Dutch braid at the top of my head that ended in a half bun. I had also found a really cute, gray, floral summer dress that I bought when I went shopping with Emma and Laura in New York, and had layered it with a thin maroon cardigan, finishing the outfit off with a pair of dark brown cowboy boots.

When the doorbell finally rang at six o'clock, I quickly grabbed my phone and purse and sprinted toward the front door. "I'll get it!"

To my disappointment, Taylor and Joe had gotten there before me and already opened the door for him. Josh was standing by the door wearing a black leather jacket, a dark gray t-shirt, and with his hands in the pockets of his dark jeans.

Fortunately, I'd remembered to tell him who my mom was when we'd texted earlier so that he wouldn't be surprised when Taylor Swift opened the door to let him in.

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