61 - the girl in the dress

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mom♥️🤗: Have fun tonight babes! Call if you need us!❤️

skye🦋: thanks <3

patrick's 1st brother💂‍♂️: But remember you're only 15
patrick's 1st brother💂‍♂️: Meaning you're not old enough to drink
patrick's 1st brother💂‍♂️: And you're not obligated to do anything you're not comfortable doing!

skye🦋: i know

mom♥️🤗: I asked mom and she said you could call her if for some reason neither of us pick up😊

skye🦋: why are yall texting from two different phones? aren't you in the same room?

patrick's 1st brother💂‍♂️: Nope I'm on the loo😃👍

skye🦋: ok no.
skye🦋: tmi, i did not need to know that

"Who are you textin'?"

I looked up from the phone at my boyfriend's question, casting a quick look in his direction. He was wearing a dark blue blazer over a dusty white t-shirt, his big silver watch visible on the wrist that was resting against the steering wheel.

"The family group chat," I replied as I tapped out a quick response, my fingers moving quickly over the screen.

skye🦋: gtg love yall bye💛

mom♥️🤗: We love you too Skye, say hi to Jess and Josh from us❤️❤️❤️

I gave her message a thumbs up, put the phone down in my lap, and looked out through the windshield. The sky was already darkening, and I glanced down at my phone again to check the time: 7:13.

Josh's voice broke through my thoughts. "Did I tell you you look amazing in that dress, babe? You look like a supermodel."

I looked up at him again in happy disbelief. Taylor and Blake had gone shopping a few weeks earlier and found me a stunning, black and sparkly dress. It was sort of low-cut, showing just the right amount of skin, and it fit me perfectly. Although I had initially been skeptical when Taylor insisted on fussing over my hair, straightening and curling it until it fell in big, glossy curls around my shoulders, Josh looking over at me at every red light told me all the effort had been worth it.

I had told Taylor and Joe that I was going to a New Year's party with Josh and Jess and their friends, which was partly true, but not entirely. The actual party was apparently huge, there would be a bunch of people there that I'd never met before, and Jess wouldn't even be there because she and Harvey had made other plans. Lying to Taylor never felt right, but I knew Josh would have been upset with me if I had told him I couldn't go. I wasn't sure Taylor and Joe would've wanted me to go if they knew I was going alone with Josh, and I decided it was better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

The party was even bigger than the Halloween party we'd been to, and I let Josh pull me along with him and introduce me to various groups of people he knew from school, as well as a lot of people he knew through his uncle and cousins.

He really seemed to know a lot of people there, and we eventually settled down at a round wooden table with a group of teens who all appeared to adore Josh. They were all part of a lively conversation about some new TV show I'd never even heard of with Josh at the center of attention. I tried to keep up with the conversation at first but quickly lost interest in it.

After a few minutes of fidgeting with my rings, I felt my phone buzz in my small, navy-blue purse and picked it up to see a Snapchat notification from Zade. It was a picture of him with his little sister, Gianna, wearing black and golden party hats and blowing party-horns. The caption read, "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!🥳🎆 You picked the wrong party to be at🤪"

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