25 - it's hard to be at a party when i feel like an open wound

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"And that's Blake's husband, Ryan. They are both really awesome people, I know you will like them," Taylor explained from behind me as she was straightening my hair in the bathroom connected to the master bedroom. "Their daughter James is the kid who says gorgeous at the beginning of the song."

Taylor had decided to cancel the New Year's Eve party that she'd planned on throwing but I convinced her not to. I knew I'd been the only reason why she'd even considered canceling and I would definitely feel really bad about it if she did.

The theme was to dress up as your childhood hero, and I was obviously going to dress up as Taylor from the Red era. I had already planned an outfit and borrowed some stuff that Taylor'd had hidden away in the bigger unit of the two penthouses where the party was being held. I would be wearing a black and white, three-quarter sleeved, striped shirt, a pair of red jeans, RED Keds, a black hat, red heart-shaped sunglasses, a bunch of bracelets, and red lipstick. I'd considered wearing a 'Not a lot going on at the moment' t-shirt, but decided against it.

As Taylor was doing my hair, I was looking through pictures on her phone of some of the people who'd be attending. "That's Gigi and McCall, they're really sweet and funny. That's Ashley. That's obviously Abigail..."

I stopped looking at the pictures and went to Spotify after getting a little tired of going through them. Since I was using Taylor's phone she didn't have my playlists and I knew she usually listened on Apple Music so I just decided to play 1989, starting from track one.

The music echoed in the bathroom as we heard a knock on the door and turned to see Joe and Patrick standing in the doorway, peeking in. I figured they must've just gotten here because they had been flying in from London.

"Hi guys!" Taylor said, waving at them with the red hair straightener.

"Hey," I said, giving them a smile.

They greeted us back and Patrick walked into the bathroom as Joe left.

"Woah, your hair looks wicked! You look like a rockstar," Pat said, sounding impressed. He walked up next to us and sat down on the other stool next to mine.

I rolled my eyes at him and looked at myself in the mirror. Taylor had already done almost all of my hair and it did look kind of cool actually, but 'rockstar' wasn't really what I was going for.

"It'll make more sense once you've got the outfit on and everything done," Taylor said and our eyes met through the mirror.

I wasn't sure if it was, like, some sort of mother's intuition, but I was almost convinced that Taylor could read my mind a lot of the time. It happened before I moved in with her too, but since I'd moved in it had happened a lot more frequently. I wondered if she was just amazing at reading facial expressions or if she'd learned my body language by heart, but it was a little freaky sometimes.

Patrick told us he was dressing up as some Youtube gamer I'd never heard of and Joe was going as a British soccer player.

"Alright, done," Taylor said, turning the straightener off and taking a step back to check it out. "God, your hair is so long, Skye. It's all the way down to your butt."

"Really?" I asked, surprised. This was my first time straightening it and normally my hair was really curly and to about my waist.

"Yeah, stand up."

I did what she said and she took her phone from me and took a picture, showing me. "Wow, cool. I think I like it better curly though."

"Taylor, didn't you use to have curly hair? Couldn't you have just dressed up as her from when she was younger?" Patrick wondered, and I tilted my head back and sighed.

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