10 - every time you smile, i smile

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"Hey! Skye! Turn off your phone, it's super annoying," Finley called from the living room. Everyone knew she and Jaime were the polar opposites to morning people.

I was sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast and talking to Ariana about today.

"Comin'!" I called back and left my breakfast on the table to go grab my phone. Finley sat on the couch with her own phone and glared at me when I walked in.

"Someone's been tryna reach you. Why the hell do you have that song on the loudest volume as your ringtone?" she complained. I was about to defend the song but figured it wasn't worth getting into a fight with a grumpy Finley this early in the morning, and I forgot all about it once I saw who was trying to reach me.

"Hi Taylor!" I said happily, ignoring Finley and sat down in the blue armchair.

"Morning babes! I was just calling to make sure you still want to go. I'm on my way to Nashville now but it's fine if you've changed your mind."

"No, I still wanna go. When are they coming to pick me up?"

Taylor had arranged for someone to pick me up at home and take me to Nashville where the memorial service was to be held. Apparently that's where my mom's dad was buried and they wanted to bury her next to him or something like that.

"Skye, can you go away and talk?" Finley grumbled from the couch. I looked over at her and sighed, but stood up to walk back into the kitchen.

"She should be there around eight thirty, so in like half an hour to an hour. Will you text me when you're in the car so I know you're okay?"

"Yup." I sat down at the table again but Ari had left.

"Oh, I bought you a dress to wear too. I can send you a picture of it. Hold on." She stopped talking and I heard shuffling and what sounded like an engine of some sort. Then my phone chimed and I checked the text message. It was a picture of a pretty, black, sleeveless dress with a golden belt.

"That's so pretty, thank you Taylor!" I gasped, admiring the dress before I held the phone up again to hear her.

"You're welcome sweetie, hopefully it'll fit you. I had to guess the size and design but I'm sure you're gonna look great in it. Alright, I have to go now. I need to check some stuff for work, but promise to text me when you get in the car."

"Promise. Okay, bye. See ya later."

"Bye Skye," Taylor replied before hanging up.

I finished my toast and, when I climbed the stairs up to my room, got a DM on Instagram from an account I recognized.

natxoxo: Hey girl! So I had the BEST day this Saturday at the show in LOU w my bf, and I even got to meet Taylor!!!
natxoxo: One of the women from TN came up to us after like half the show and gave me a pass and everything to the rep room, it was just insane. And then when I got to meet Taylor she said she found me bc of you! I don't know what you did or how you did this for me, but thank you thank you SO SO much!!! xxxx
natxoxo: I hope to see or hear from you again soon! Sending you lots of love!!💛

I stared down at the screen in astonishment and hadn't even realized that I'd stopped in the middle of the staircase until Jaime yelled at me to move so that she could pass me to go downstairs. I moved aside but didn't look up as I DM'd her back with a huge grin.

skyejoy13: OMG IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU NATALIE!!! congrats!! i hope you had an enchanted night✨💖

Then I sent a quick text to Taylor with a screenshot of our conversation and a purple heart emoji, and she replied with thirteen red heart emojis a second later.

in my wildest dreams - a taylor swift fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now