33 - i feel like i could talk to you forever

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The morning after reminded me a lot of the morning at Maeve's house, after her party, only this time it was just the three of us.

"Mom! I can't find the necklace Connor gave me!" I shouted, on the verge of tears. I almost never took it off but this time I had done it to wear another necklace that Taylor had given me, and now my butterfly necklace was gone.

"Do you really need to bring it?" Taylor called back from another room.


"Okay, look in my bathroom! I might've accidentally put it away! Don't forget your EpiPen, it should be in my bathroom as well! Maeve, will you get Olivia for me please?"

"Okay!" I heard Maeve call back, and I followed her quickly up the stairs to head to the bathroom connected to Taylor's bedroom. I found the necklace and was putting it on when I heard a loud thump and a short yelp. I quickly ran out to the staircase with the EpiPen in my hand to see what had happened and saw Maeve lying at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh my god, sweetie, are you okay?" Taylor asked, hurrying over to her from somewhere downstairs and crouching down next to her.

Maeve slowly nodded. "Y-yeah. I was rushing downstairs with Olivia when she suddenly jumped out of my arms, and I tried to catch her, but then I tripped and... you know, ended up here."

I couldn't help but laugh at what had happened, and they both turned their heads to look up at me.

"Skye! Don't laugh, she could've hurt herself badly. Here, I'll help you up. Are you sure you're okay? Does anything hurt?"

While Taylor coddled Maeve, I went to get Meredith whom I'd just seen trotting past me toward the study.

An hour passed and we'd managed to gather everything we needed in the car. Maeve and I were sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, and Taylor was sitting at the other end of the table, on the phone with someone. I rested my chin in the palm of my hand with my elbow on the table, fighting to keep my eyes open.

"Oh my god, no way! I just got my picture!" Maeve squealed excitedly, and I noticed Taylor glancing over at us with a small smile before she got distracted and said something into the phone.

"Let me see," I yawned, leaning over her shoulder to check her phone. I watched her click on the first picture in the email, making it cover the whole screen. "Aw, that's adorable!"

It was a picture of Taylor and Maeve, sitting on the couch and hugging each other. They made a heart together with their hands, and their faces were so close they were touching. They both looked so incredibly happy, and it made me smile just watching them.

She swiped left and another picture popped up. "You got to take two?" I asked, surprised, and she grinned and nodded.

The second one was of Taylor, hugging both Maeve and Maeve's mom in front of the fireplace with the awards. It was stupid but seeing Mrs. Wright with them in the picture for some reason made me feel sad, as if I was missing out on something. I guess I felt like I had missed out on so much stuff not having a mom who had watched me grow up, shared memorable moments like the Secret Sessions with me, and who knew me as well as Maeve's mom knew her.

Sure, I had Taylor now who really loved me and treated me as if she'd always been my mom, but it still didn't make up for all the years we'd lost, when I'd felt all alone and had to manage without a mom.

"Skye, what's wrong?" Maeve wondered, and I let my eyes travel from the picture to my best friend. I figured I must've looked visibly upset as I was looking at the picture.

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