38 - i'm back for the first time since then, i'm standing on your street

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People on Twitter were being their usual selves, making me giggle, and I had to turn my phone off to make sure I didn't wake up the man sleeping next to me. Looking out of the window, the only thing I saw was white, and I decided to rest my eyes for a second until I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

mom♥️🤗: Hey honey! Not sure you'll get this until you land but I hope you're doing okay on the plane, text me when you're at Corinne's so I know you got there safely! Have fun, love you😘❤️

A second later, another WhatsApp message popped up.

Corinne💜: Mom just left!! Can't wait til u get here!!💕

Corinne's mom was going on a short vacation with her new boyfriend, leaving Corinne alone at the house, and she'd asked if I wanted to come over for a few days. Unfortunately, it was two days before Lover's release day, so I wouldn't get to see Taylor perform in Central Park and I'd be flying back to New York on the 23rd, meaning I would have to listen to the album at Corinne's and at the airport. It wasn't the ideal way I wanted to celebrate the release, but at least I'd get to spend some time alone with Corinne, and I'd see Taylor later on the 23rd.

I replied to both texts and was about to take a short nap and let the music coming from my headphones fill my ears, when the little blond girl in the seat in front of me stood up and turned around to peek over the backrest.

"Hi!" she piped, very excitedly, making me smile.

"Hey," I replied, removing the headphones from my left ear in case she would say something else.

"I'm Ashley!" she continued.

"Really? I have a friend named Ashley. My name is Skye." I saw the girl's mom notice her and she glanced back at me through the seats.

"Hi, I am so sorry. Ash, can you sit back down in your seat please?" the mom said, but I shook my head reassuringly.

"No, it's fine. I don't mind talking to her."

"I'm three!" Ashley continued, ignoring her mom's words, and holding up three fingers.

We spent some time talking before Ashley's mom made her sit down again, and I could finally take my nap.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent into Louisville. Please turn off all portable devices and make sure your seatbelt is fastened in preparation for landing. Thank you."

I put my phone on airplane mode and looked out of the window as we started to get closer to the ground, and I could finally see the landscape below us. A flight attendant came to wake up the man beside me to make him put his seat back up, and he gave me a friendly smile when he noticed the plane nearing the ground.

Since I'd gotten used to private planes, the process of landing and finally getting to exit the plane seemed to be taking forever. We had to wait for a really long time before we even got to unbuckle our seatbelts, and then continue to wait until people slowly started to make their way down the aisle to the front of the plane.

I followed everyone through the airport to the luggage carousel, but luckily, my bag was one of the first ones to arrive so I could go find the driver who'd take me to Corinne's house. I spotted the woman holding a sign with Skylar Laine written on it and went over to her. Taylor had probably made sure that I got a female driver and told them my old name, to ensure no one would recognize it.

"Skylar Laine?" the woman asked me, and I nodded. "Hi, welcome to Kentucky!"

She was really cheerful which I liked, and I gave her a small smile. "Thank you."

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