19 - pieces falling into place

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Skye barely left my side for the next two days, but after what Joe told me happened at the airport, I honestly didn't want her to. We let her decide if she wanted to spend the Friday with Joe or with me on set, and she chose to come with me. Fortunately, the cast and crew were really nice and understanding. They hung out with Skye while I was busy, and she also spent some time in my trailer.

We flew back to Nashville that Saturday, for the meeting on Sunday, and spent Sunday morning at home. I'm pretty sure we were all on pins and needles and basically just tried to find ways to get the time to pass.

I had bought Skye another outfit for her to wear to the meeting later, and had told her to put it on, but more than thirty minutes had passed so I decided to check up on her.

"Skye? You okay in there?" I asked after gently knocking on the closed door. I heard a muffled reply but couldn't hear what she was saying. "What was that? Can I come in?"

I think I heard a faint yes and slowly opened the door. My eyes immediately landed on Skye who was sitting cross-legged on the bed in the outfit, hugging a cat pillow to her chest and staring into space.

"Hey honey. How are you holding up?" I walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed to her right. Her dark blue eyes met mine but she didn't smile which was out of character for her. "The outfit looks great on you," I said, trying to lighten up the mood a bit. "Are you nervous?"

She slowly nodded and I noticed her hugging the pillow even closer to herself. I gently placed my hand on top of one of hers and gave her a small smile.

"You do know that whatever happens, I will always be there for you, right?" She didn't answer so I continued. "Even if you don't get to move in with me, we'll still be able to see and call each other all the time, and you can come visit as often as you want. No matter what they decide, I will never abandon you."

I noticed tears welling up in her eyes and they dropped to look at my hand holding onto hers. She took a deep, shuddering breath and quietly said, "It's so unfair though. Why should they get to decide who I get to live with? Shouldn't that be my decision?"

I sighed and brought my legs up onto the bed and crossed them, turning my entire body to face Skye. "It should. But the world isn't always fair, and you're still too young to make decisions like that."

I glanced down at her phone that lit up with a Twitter notification from the bedside table and saw the time. "Hey, we should get something to eat before they get here. What do you say?"

She nodded and we walked into the kitchen together, finding Joe sitting at the dining table looking at his phone.

"Hey," I said, going to kiss him from behind. "We're getting something to eat, do you want anything?"


The lunch was as silent as the morning had been, and I tried to initiate a conversation after a while but only Joe joined in. I caught Skye quietly watching Joe and me talk, and I turned to her after a moment.

"They'll be here in a little while, Skye. Do you have any questions for me before they get here?"

"What kind of questions?"

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