39 - something happens when everybody finds out

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I woke up to Corinne running her fingers up and down my bare arm. Rolling over in her bed to lie on my side, I tucked my hands between my head and the pillow, and we gazed at each other for a moment.

"Good morning," she said softly, tucking some of my curly hair behind my ear.

"Mornin'," I whispered back.

"It sucks that I don't get to see you every day. I wish I could shrink you even more and put you in my pocket so that I could have you with me all the time."

I sniggered quietly through my nose at her words. My eyelids felt really heavy, and if I were to close my eyes, I was sure I'd fall back asleep within seconds.

"Why am I still super sleepy?" I asked and yawned.

She smiled at me. "Maybe because it's only 6:30 AM."

"What? Why'd you wake me up so early?" I rolled over on my back and stretched my arms up above my head, yawning again.

"You told me to. Taylor's on Good Morning America, remember?"

This woke me up completely, and I sat up in the bed, looking at her wide-eyed. "Oh my god, she is! Thank you for waking me up!" I exclaimed, leaning down and hugging her.

"You wanna have some breakfast while we watch it?"


When we'd made breakfast and settled down underneath a blanket together in front of the TV, I went on Twitter to see how the fandom was coping. Apparently, people had been camping outside for about twelve hours and Scott, my grandpa, had even handed out pizza and guitar picks to fans early this morning. I wished I could've been there, but then I glanced over to see Corinne sipping her coffee from a huge Minnie Mouse teacup, looking adorable, and those thoughts quickly slipped away.

I had such a hard time concentrating after the concert was over. I really tried to be there with Corinne, both physically and mentally, but my mind kept thinking about the album release every time I wasn't completely focused on her or what we were doing.

Corinne was a good sport about it at least. She took me to play mini golf, then we went to the flea market, and she bought us two matching bracelets. Hers was black and had a white bead with an S on it, and mine was white with a black bead and a C. They were very simple looking, but that's what I loved. As we were looking at vintage clothes, I got a text from Joe. It was a picture of a statue of a man, but they'd put a blond wig on him, dressed him in a pink cat tank top, and even painted his lips red. It was obvious that they'd tried to dress it like Taylor, and it made me laugh.

patrick's 1st brother💂‍♂️: Saw this today and thought you'd like it! We hope you're having fun with Corinne! See you tomorrow :)

A couple of months ago, around the time Taylor adopted me, Joe started sending me random text messages. It was actually really sweet and nice since we didn't get to see each other as often, and it was our way of keeping up with each other even if we were in different states or even countries.

I replied with a picture of Corinne in a cowboy hat, a pair of huge sunglasses, and a really long, black leather jacket that looked like something a spy would wear. She was standing with her hands forming a gun next to her face, looking into the camera.

After we'd left the flea market, we headed across town to the farmers market to get some veggies as we'd planned on making roasted vegetables and quinoa for dinner.

I had the best day with Corinne, and I even forgot about the album release until it was about 11:30 PM and I started getting so many notifications on my phone. I'd missed the livestream, but I figured I could just watch it later, and Corinne and I watched the Lover music video while we waited for the album to drop.

in my wildest dreams - a taylor swift fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now