6 - sweet, sweet superstar

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"How'd'ya feel?" Connor asked me from my bed where he was doing something on his phone.

I sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the mirror by the bunk bed. I was concentrating really hard to draw a big 13 on my right hand but it was super hard and I almost gave up about a hundred times.

"Huh?" I said, holding my hand up in front of the mirror to see how it looked so far. I was drawing it upside down from the way I saw it and doing it with my non-dominant hand, so it wasn't the prettiest thing ever, but it worked.

"How do you feel?" Connor repeated his question and this time I looked up at him.

"Uhmm, let me see... like crap."

He glanced over at me and then looked back at his phone again without saying anything. Two days earlier, my social worker had told me about a foster family in Kentucky who might be able to take me in after the summer, and that on top of everything else was just a lot.

I knew Connor hadn't asked about that though, he was asking about the performance tonight. I was performing at our school's talent show. This would be my first performance since Mason's death, but I felt surprisingly calm, this was something I knew I could do.

At five o'clock, Susan came to get us. Mike was driving the kids who were coming to the show — and weren't already at school — in the bus, and it was already dark outside when we all stumbled out onto the parking lot.

"That's pretty," Callie said, pointing to the blue 13 on my hand.

"Thanks," I smiled at her. It turned out better than I thought it would.

"Is it, like, some sorta Taylor Swift thing?" she asked, and I only nodded. "Cool."


I couldn't really comprehend what I was actually doing. Was I really in a car on my way to Skye's school? Yes, yes I was.

Earlier in the afternoon, Connor had posted a story to their Instagram account saying that Skye had had a rough couple of weeks and that if any Swifties were in Jackson — and wanted to see her perform — they could draw a 13 on their hand and come see Skye perform at their school's talent show.

I couldn't explain it, but as soon as I saw Skye exit that bus, I felt like it was meant to happen. I was destined to meet Skye, and once again, I was destined to see that Instagram story.

Since it was about a two-hour drive from Nashville to Jackson, I didn't have a lot of time to think about it. I immediately went to draw a 13 on my hand, got changed, and then went to my car and started driving to Jackson. I was super excited to see Skye again and thought that maybe this would be the perfect opportunity to tell her about the free ticket to the concert in Nashville.

When I first told Tree about the idea, I could tell she wasn't thrilled. She started rambling on about all of the things that could go wrong; people could find out and start demanding free tickets, it could lead to bad press, Skye could start asking for more from me, etc. But I had already made up my mind after talking to my mom, and I really wanted to do this for Skye.

I didn't pull up in the school parking lot until 5:56 PM which meant I had four minutes to get to wherever it was held. I hurried into the building, and they had thankfully put up signs leading me to the auditorium. It was already dark in there when I walked through the doors, and I went to sit down in an empty seat at the very back of the room.


"Alright Skye, you're up," Thomas said, giving me an encouraging smile and nodded towards the stage.

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