9 - i'll hold you through the night until you smile

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Skye and I began to walk home in silence with Louis — who'd been sitting at a table in a corner of the restaurant — walking ahead of us. I didn't know what to say and I wasn't sure if she wanted to talk, so I gave her a moment to collect her thoughts. Only when we'd passed the gates, walked up the driveway to my door and I started digging for the keys in my bag, did I break the silence.

"How do you feel that went?"

I tried to ask it in a way that would make her feel comfortable sharing her feelings without the pressure of thinking one way or another.

I held the door open for her and saw her looking up at me with big, bleary, puppy eyes before her gaze fell to the floor and she passed me into the house.

"Susan said he had wanted to apologize and for us to get to know each other," she mumbled and sounded to be on the verge of tears as I closed the door behind us.

"Honey," I said, following her into the house and grabbed hold of her hand to make her stop. She'd been walking away from me toward the living room that was connected to her bedroom. When I turned her around to look at me, she had tears running down her cheeks. "Hey, come here," I said gently, pulling her into a hug which only made her break down even more. I was starting to learn how Skye worked, and already knew that hugging her would have that effect on her. Slowly, I moved us into the living room and sat down in one of the couches with her still in my arms.

"I didn't even know I had an aunt and a grandma," she cried into my coat, her entire body shaking. I had a feeling she'd been holding this in the entire evening and was finally letting it out. "Why didn't anyone tell me I had relatives? Why didn't any of them take me in instead of sending me into foster care? I must be the most awful kid if not even my own family wants me."

This broke my heart but I had to stay strong in front of her so I blinked back my tears. "Oh no, no no no, honey. You are not awful, you hear me? You haven't done anything wrong, okay? They are the ones who missed out on getting to know how amazing you are. It was their loss, not yours. And you were fantastic back there, answering all of his questions. It would have driven me crazy."

She laughed a little through her sobs. "It did drive me crazy."

"Next time you should say something about it. Ask him why they did what they did, why he didn't come to visit or come back and get you... anything you're wondering that you were too afraid to ask this time. 'Cause I know you've got a lot of questions in that pretty little mind of yours." I tapped her head lightly, making her smile as she sniffled. "I can even help you if you want? If you tell me what you want to know, I can ask him for you. That is, if you even want to see him again?"

I studied her face but she continued to cry, and I brushed the hair from her forehead and tried to wipe a few tears away from her cheeks.

"Hey, I got something I know will make you feel a little better," I said, pulling out my phone from my bag.

"What?" she sniffed. She rubbed her eyes and shifted to move almost into my lap, into a more comfortable position to see the screen.

"You know what day yesterday was, right?" I asked as I went to Youtube.


I laughed. "Yes, but it was also March 11th. Which means..."

I clicked on the video and handed her the phone. Her entire face lit up when she realized she was watching the Delicate music video and the smile never faded. "Oh I forgot about this! I wasn't on my phone yesterday."

She started laughing during the mirror scene and — instead of watching the video — I watched her reaction to it. I loved that my music video could make her laugh only a minute after she'd been bawling her eyes out.

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