29 - your beautiful eyes stare right into my eyes

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"What the-" I mumbled, reading the pop-up on the screen.

We've temporarily limited some of your account features
- @/skyejoy13
1. Violating our rules against abuse and harassment.

When I read the tweet that had caused this, I immediately burst out laughing. I had replied with Jump Then Fall to someone on Twitter asking what song you listen to when you're down. Apparently Twitter thought I was "wishing or hoping that someone experiences physical harm".

"What are you laughing at?" Andrea asked, walking into the room after having been out on a walk with Kitty. I showed her my phone and we laughed about it together.

The downside to this was that I'd actually been limited, meaning I wasn't able to tweet, retweet or reply for 24 hours. It made me a little anxious to think that Taylor might tweet something that I wouldn't be able to retweet or reply to, but at least I still had my Instagram and Tumblr.

Yesterday, she finally announced Lover over a livestream on Instagram and broke the internet. I was there in the background, but I'd been instructed not to say anything, and I'd left for Nashville only a few hours after that. Even though Taylor had promised me that I would get to listen to the entire album when it was done, I still had only gotten to hear some of the songs. Honestly, it wasn't a big deal because that only meant that I would get to experience the release with the rest of the fandom and the world, but it still kinda sucked since I actually had the opportunity to listen to it if I just urged her enough.

The reason why I was in Nashville while she was still back in New York was that I was going to Maeve's birthday party. The party was later tonight, and Taylor had arranged for someone to drive me there from Andrea's house and drop me off.

Since the last day of our trip to Paris, I'd slowly started calling Taylor mom instead of her name. Every time I did it, we both stopped what we were doing for a second to give each other knowing smiles, but we were both gradually starting to get somewhat used to it.

Taylor♥️😸: Hey bud! Just checking in to see how you're doing❤️❤️ I told the driver to pick you up at the house at 3:30, so make sure to be ready by then. I love you, see you tomorrow!

I smiled at the message that popped up on my phone from the countertop. I was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, applying some light makeup, and quickly texted her back.

At 3:26 PM, Andrea called me downstairs and said the car was waiting outside. We said a quick goodbye before I went out to the car. The driver was a thirty-something-year-old guy, and he was pretty cool. We talked about Taylor for a bit, and he even knew some of her songs so we listened to them and sang along.

It took us about two and a half hours to get to my old neighborhood and I told him to drop me off two streets down from my old house because it had been such a long time since I was there, and I wanted to check it out. It turned out not a lot had changed since December. I smiled when I saw the bush that Ayleen had crashed into with Maeve's bike, and the park bench that Maeve and I had waited on for about an hour to have Sadie's mom pick us up.

Even though I'd only lived here for a couple of months, I realized that I had a lot of great memories here and it made me a little sentimental. When I turned left to get onto the street leading up to Maeve's street, I noticed a girl sitting on the curb not far from where I was standing. She was hunched down and when I got closer, I realized that she was silently crying with her face buried in her hands.

in my wildest dreams - a taylor swift fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now