53 - like they know about me and you

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"Aw, please do!" Taylor smiled into the phone next to me on the couch with my feet in her lap. I had probably been scrolling through TikTok for over an hour, but that app was so addicting and I could never tell how much time had passed.

Taylor, dressed in her own Lover merch with her hair in a ponytail, held her phone away from her ear and turned to look at me. "Blake says hi."

I lazily glanced up from my screen. It had been a slow and very boring morning. The only productive thing I had accomplished so far was to finish a Spanish essay about 'Mi mejor amigo y cómo nos conocimos' — my best friend and how we met. I had lied and said that Connor and I got to know each other because our moms were friends, but it wasn't like Señor Cruz would find out or even care as long as my Spanish was good. I mean, it wasn't, but Spanish is Natalie's first language so she had helped me over the phone.

"Tell 'em I say hi back," I replied before I went back to my phone with a yawn.

She ended the call a few minutes later and was about to stand up to leave when I stopped her.

"Mom, wait, look at this," I said. I held the phone out to show her a cool video filmed on a tiny camera that was attached to a cat's collar as the cat wandered around outside. I quickly realized that it might've been a mistake showing her the video because she took my phone from me and wanted to see more cat videos.

"Is this TikTok? Can I borrow your account?" she asked with her eyes glued to the screen and pointed at it. I shook my head and scrunched my eyebrows together.

"No, give it back," I whined, reaching out for it, but she moved the phone away from me.

"But you need to go change anyway."

"Mom. You're gonna mess up my algorithm. Get your own account."

I climbed over her and successfully stole the phone back. To my surprise, she'd somehow already managed to like a bunch of cat videos, and I was honestly pretty impressed.

"Do you think I should? Get an account?" She looked like she was genuinely thinking about it, but I shook my head.

"No, you'll probably get addicted. Joe won't like it." I gave her a teasing grin, and she rolled her eyes and waved her hand at that.

"He can deal with it. I wanna look at cute cat videos. Can you help me set up an account? But make it anonymous, I don't want anyone to know it's me."

I helped her create a private account on her own phone and — without changing the handle — it ended up being called @/catlover7638. I sent her the cat videos that she'd already liked on my phone and told her to like them so that she could start getting cat videos on her For You page.

Taylor stayed on the couch as I went to change into a pair of pale green, high-waisted leggings and a cropped black reputation hoodie. I was putting my hair up in a ponytail when Josh called to tell me he and Elle were only two minutes away.

"Mom, they're here," I said, walking out into the living room again to see her still scrolling on her phone. I tilted my head to the side, eyeing her outfit. "Uhm, you're gonna change into something else too, right?"

She was wearing a t-shirt with a print of herself across the chest and a pair of matching light pink joggers.

"What's wrong with this? We're just going hiking," she replied, not looking up from her phone. "Oh, look at this," she gushed, holding her phone out for me to see yet another cat video, but I didn't pay attention to it.

"Mom, please. My boyfriend will see it, it's embarrassing. At least change the shirt."

After some convincing, I finally managed to get her to change into another shirt before Josh arrived. He pulled me into a kiss when I opened the door, but Joe came and pulled me away from him. "That's quite enough you two."

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