45 - if one thing had been different, would everything be different today?

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I was lying face down on the couch in the living room, listening to Joe as he was playing the piano. He was a great piano player, and it sounded like he was just making up a melody on the spot because I didn't recognize what he was playing.

Neither Maeve nor Connor had said anything after I'd posted the video yesterday, but I wasn't even sure they'd seen it yet. Connor probably had though, since he shared the account with me, but I wasn't counting on him reaching out to me anytime soon.

Someone Taylor knew had rented a place for a party and had invited Taylor, so she and I were dropping by before we were going out to eat with Selena, Austin and Erin. Joe was also going out tonight but with his childhood friends who were road-tripping together across the country.

The piano was suddenly drowned out by the Skype melody that became louder and louder until Taylor rounded the corner of the curved staircase, carrying my laptop with her.

"Sweetie, I heard it going off in the library and thought you'd wanna know," she said with the hint of a smile, walking over to me as I sat up properly, my eyes following her every move.

She turned the laptop around to face me, and I gaped at the screen as she handed it over. "And I was walking past your room on my way down, you gotta clean it before we leave," Taylor added as an afterthought, but I wasn't paying attention to her anymore. She gave me a quick smile before leaving me alone, taking Joe with her as she passed him to go back upstairs.

I quickly moved the cursor to answer the call and saw Maeve's and Connor's faces pop up on the screen. My eyes flickered back and forth between them as I tried to understand what was going on.

"Hey Skye," Maeve said, giving me a tight smile, and she waved a little. She was sitting in her bedroom with her blond hair up in a messy bun, wrapped in the Speak Now blanket I'd given her for her birthday. Connor waved from his bed but didn't say anything.

"Uh... hi?" I faintly managed to get out in my state of shock. Maeve and Connor weren't even friends, why were they calling me together on Skype?

"Okay, so... Connor and I saw your video yesterday," Maeve started off, and my eyes settled on her.

"Oh-okay." I wasn't sure what to say. Would they be willing to listen to another apology or would they hang up on me?

"And we've discussed the situation," she continued. "Connor?" she said, expecting him to take over, and he gave her a nod.

"Yeah, uh... We've decided that we're ready to forgive you."

My eyes started to prick with tears, and I just looked at them in happy disbelief. "Really? Just like that?"

"Yes," Maeve said shortly and it sounded very unlike her. Had they rehearsed this beforehand? I wouldn't even mind it if they had, I was just so happy. "We realized that we might've overreacted a little, and we never tried to see it from your perspective. I mean — I ain't gonna lie — I'm still pretty upset that you didn't tell me about you and..." She broke off, and I quickly cut in before she had time to say anything else.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you Maeve. I really am."

"Yeah, I know." She gave me a real smile this time, showing off her dimples, and it was everything to me.

"And I might have been too hard on you," Connor said quietly, redirecting our attention toward him. "I'm- I was stupid for sayin' all that. And now that I've gotten to know Maeve better, I understand why you like her. I know what I said before, but I'm glad you two became friends. And Zade too, he seems like a cool dude. I just... I guess I was a little jealous, like you said. I just felt like you were driftin' away from me and-"

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