30 - someone's daughter, someone's mother

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"No, deadass, it was the funniest shit. And he even asked for her number. Like dude! First of all, she told Hailey she only liked girls, and secondly, she's literally the definition of a lesbian stereotype. Have you not seen her nose ring or purple hair, or heard her blast Girl In Red and flirt with Emma every single time she sees her?"

"Shut up," Emma laughed, slapping Ben's arm.

"No but for real, she's got a huge crush on you," Laura said, nodding her head in agreement. Emma blushed and hid her face in her hands.

I was sitting in the same Starbucks that I met Zade at, with my seven New Yorker friends. We'd met up a lot these past few weeks that I'd been in the city, and I really enjoyed my time with them because I'd missed having friends around that I could see every day.

"Skye, did you see that new Taylor Swift music video by the way? I think she released it, like, yesterday," Zade asked beside me as the others continued to joke around.

I turned to face him and smiled with the straw from my Frappuccino still between my teeth. "She's my mom and I'm a Swiftie, of course I've seen it, Z," I laughed, shaking my head.

"Right, I forgot she was your mom. It's still crazy to me," he said, scratching the back of his head.

I hadn't intentionally told him, but he had found out when she'd called me and he'd seen her contact image and asked about it. I felt bad for lying to him and just ended up telling him the truth, and he took it a lot better than I would have.

"Guys, are we ready to leave? I gotta get home 'cause mom's working late at the restaurant tonight," Ben said, and everyone started getting ready to leave. I was one of the last to stand up and was about to follow Laura when Zade stopped me.

"Hey," he said softly, pulling slightly at my arm. I turned around and smiled questioningly at him, waiting for him to say something. "You've, uhm... code red?" he said as in a question and I frowned at him, confused as to what he was referring to.

At first, I thought it was some sort of Taylor Swift reference to either the song or the album, and I tried to figure it out but I had no idea what he was talking about. He tried again. "I-I think you've got your period..."

He pointed down and I twisted my body to see a red stain on my light blue jeans. My eyes widened and my face flushed as I looked around, unsure of how to handle the situation and feeling really embarrassed. "Here, you can have this to cover it up," he whispered, removing his varsity jacket and handing it to me.

I looked up at him in awe as I quickly took the jacket and tied it around my waist. "Oh my god, thank you, Zade," I said gratefully under my breath.

"No problem. It's happened to Lyra a few times too. She calls it code red so I thought you might too."

He wrapped an arm around me and started leading us out of the coffee shop. I was really grateful to have him as a friend and we met up with the others who were waiting for us outside.

"You guys are so cute," Emma said, smiling at us as we approached, his arm still draped over my shoulders. "You would make an adorable couple," she continued, and I smiled while shaking my head at her. I was very content with having Zade as a friend and I hoped he felt the same way about me.

"Who's taking the train?" Ben asked, looking at our group of friends.

"I am!" Emma said while Laura, Elliot and Harlem nodded.

"Skye, do you wanna stay at my place for a while?" Zade said before leaning in closer to my ear. "I'm sure Lyra's got something you can change into," he whispered, and I immediately nodded.

in my wildest dreams - a taylor swift fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now