37 - can we always be this close, forever and ever?

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I sat tucked into a fuzzy cat blanket with Connor on the other end of the couch. Taylor had opened the back door facing the beach, and we could hear the waves hitting the shore as we watched Seinfeld on the TV, while Taylor and Joe were in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Kramer's my favorite character," Connor said absentmindedly after the goofy character had burst through the door to Jerry's apartment.

"I like Elaine," I quietly replied. Just then, Elaine on the screen exclaimed "Shut up!" and pushed Jerry, making me smile.

"Doesn't surprise me. She kinda reminds me of you."

I didn't exactly take it as an insult, but she'd literally just pushed Jerry and I assumed that was why he'd said it. Looking around for something to throw at him, I spotted the remote on the coffee table and grabbed it.

"Shut up," I said, throwing the remote at him, but missed and hit the pillow next to him instead. He didn't have time to catch it before it fell down to the floor with a thud. Laughing, he reached down to pick it up and put it back on the table.

"My point exactly."

I didn't have time to respond as we heard Taylor's voice from the kitchen. "Guys, come have breakfast with us."

They had prepared a bunch of food that we brought outside to eat on the deck. Since Taylor and Joe wanted to see the view of the ocean, Connor and I had to sit next to each other facing them, with our backs to the beach.

"Have you talked to Corinne lately?" Taylor casually asked me, and my eyes widened since Connor was sitting right there.

"Uhm, yeah. We talked, like, Friday and Saturday," I replied quietly, looking down at the scrambled eggs on the plate in front of me.

"Who's Corinne?" Connor asked, looking between Taylor and me.

Neither of us replied right away which I felt was a mistake, but Taylor was obviously waiting for me to answer him. I took a deep breath and slowly turned to face him. I'd never really had a crush on anyone before, so whenever we talked about anything like this — which happened very rarely — it was always just about the girls that Connor liked.

I had an internal debate with myself whether to tell him about her or not. Not that I thought he would think negatively about it in any way, but I just wasn't sure if I was ready to tell him. I hadn't even straight out told Taylor yet, even though she kind of knew.

"Uhm... I've kind of, uhm, been like... not seeing seeing, but like kinda seeing... this girl, I guess." I stumbled over my words, and he met my eyes with confusion.


I made a face and took a deep breath through my nose. "Corinne and I... I don't know exactly what we are, but I guess we're something at least."

It was way too quiet for way too long, and I felt like sinking through the floor and dying.

"So... you're, like, into her?" Connor asked and I pursed my lips together, giving a small nod. "And you've been talkin'? Does she like you too?"

I suddenly became very aware of the fact that Joe and Taylor were sitting across from us, but something inside me told me to just be honest.

"Yeah," I quietly admitted, waiting for his response. To my relief, a wide grin spread on his lips, and Joe and Taylor were smiling as well.

"Wow! Skye, that's great! So are you, like, goin' out? Is she close to becoming your girlfriend? What's the dealio?"

His positive reaction made me really happy, but now that that was over, I didn't really have much more to say about the matter. "I don't know. Uh, we haven't really seen each other in person, it's more of a long-distance kind of thing. I guess she wants to tell people, but I don't know if I feel comfortable yet. Can we talk about something else maybe?"

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