49 - see your face, hear my voice, in the dark

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Josh took me out on another date just a few days after Taylor and I were on Mike Ledger's. It had been a lot more casual than the first one; he'd taken me to see Shakespeare in the Park at Centennial Park, and we'd ended up making out behind one of the pillars at the Parthenon. On our way back, he'd asked about my favorite flower and we'd made a stop at a local flower shop. I had the sunflower in a vase on my desk now, and it was the first thing you saw when you walked into my room.

Now it was four days later, and I was going to meet up with some of his and Jess's friends from their school. Taylor didn't seem to have a problem with Josh unlike Joe, and I was pretty sure I knew why.

It had been past midnight, and I'd been sitting in bed, watching the reputation Stadium Tour, when I'd heard a knock on the window. Since my bedroom was on the first floor it wasn't hard to get to my window, but I'd been so surprised when I'd heard the first taps that I hadn't moved until he'd tapped on the window a second time. Slowly, I'd walked over to it and pulled up the blinds, and had been pleasantly surprised to see Josh grinning at me from the other side of the glass.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here Josh?" I whispered when I'd finally managed to open the window, but he just smiled instead of answering. "You shouldn't be here. How did you get past the gates?" I asked.

"I convinced Ollie to let me in without letting your parents know. It wasn't hard, I think he likes me. Hey, I gotcha somethin'."

He crouched down to pick something up from the ground and was holding a disposable coffee cup when he stood back up again.

"What, for me?" I asked happily, and he nodded, handing it to me through the window. I carefully took it, taking a small sip through the tiny hole on the lid, and then went over to put it down on my desk next to the sunflower. My lips tucked into a grin, and I reached my arms out for him when I returned to the window to wrap him in a hug. "Thank you so much. I'm happy to see you," I mumbled into his shoulder, and he caressed the back of my head.

"Me too. I love those pj's, by the way," he said, and I laughed at him and broke the hug to look down at the short black pajama shorts and the thin purple crop top that I was wearing without a bra.

That was when he'd invited me to come with him to meet his friends, and of course I'd agreed to it without hesitation.

Unfortunately, he had been caught on the security cameras, and Ollie had forgotten to tell the rest of security who'd naturally told Taylor and Joe. Neither of them had been visibly mad about it, but Joe had seemed less okay with it than Taylor, and I didn't think he liked Josh very much after that.

The driver dropped me off outside Jess and Harvey's house, and Jess opened the door a millisecond after I rang the doorbell.

"Great, you're here. Let's go!" she said, all in one breath, and stepped outside in her black and green flannel shirt, shutting the door behind her. It was only the second week of October, but Jess was always dressed to ensure she wouldn't get cold, even if the weatherman predicted bright sunlight and 80 degrees.

"What about Harvey and everyone?" I questioned, but Jess shook her head as she locked the door.

"They already left. We're meeting everyone at the café. It's about a ten-minute walk from here."

The café in question was super cute, and Jess led me to a corner where a bunch of teens were hanging out in three couches and two armchairs. They didn't seem to be sitting with their respective friend groups, but I could definitely tell who her closest friends were because only about half of them smiled when they noticed us, and I recognized some of the other guys from Jess and Harvey's kitchen.

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