27 - i'll be here, today and here tomorrow

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More than two weeks had passed since the Golden Globes when I had spent the night at Selena's. Since it had been Taylor's first formal award show in a long time, everyone was talking about it on Twitter and it was really fun to read. There were a lot of fans who thought Taylor's outfit was an easter egg to TS7 and they thought it had something to do with mermaids. Taylor had smiled at Joe when she walked off the stage — something a lot of people were talking about as well — and they'd been seen attending a bunch of after-parties together, although they were still keeping their relationship on the DL.

There were even some people who went as far as to start @'ing and DM'ing me on Twitter, asking me about their relationship and about the new album, but I didn't answer most of them and I had fun misleading a few others.

Taylor and I were back in Nashville, just for the day, and we were flying out to Joe in London tomorrow. Two of Taylor's songs had been nominated for the Grammys, but she was planning to skip that and to go support Joe instead whose movie had been nominated a lot of times for some British awards.

"Skye, she's here!" Taylor called up the stairs and I went over to pause the music that I'd been dancing to.

Taking a deep breath, I walked down the stairs and heard Taylor talking to my social worker. They walked in just as I rounded the corner and Taylor led her to the dining table.

"Hey Skylar. How're you doing?" Marge asked, looking over at me through her round glasses as I went over to join them at the table.

"Fine," I murmured, glancing down at the green folder that she'd placed on the table. My green folder. In that, you could basically find every single thing about me, and I did not like that at all.

"Good. I don't wanna take up too much of your time, so I say we start right away. First of all, how's it been going? Have you settled in well?"

I remained quiet and tugged at my white sleeves as Taylor decided to answer. "It's been going great. I, at least, feel like we both fit perfectly into each other's lives."

I could feel her looking over at me and I nodded without looking up. Marge was used to me not being very open about my feelings with her — with the exception of our last meeting — so to her it was nothing new, but Taylor didn't know that.

"That's good to hear. How do you feel, Skylar?"

"The same," I replied quietly, and it seemed to be enough for Marge.

"Good, good." She glanced down to the folder and bit the end of her pencil. "Uhm, any complications? As I recall, you ran away from your last placement when you first moved in. Has anything similar happened this time around?"

I gulped and slowly let my eyes travel to Marge and then to Taylor. Taylor tugged one corner of her mouth up and met my eyes.

"I- uh." Truth was, I was afraid that I would be taken away from Taylor if I confessed, but I also didn't know if lying was a great option either.

"Yes," Taylor said suddenly, and Marge raised her eyebrows in interest.

"Oh? Do elaborate."

Taylor quickly looked over at me and I met her eyes but didn't know what else to do.

"Well, there was this one incident in New York when she, uhm, ran off without telling me."

I started breathing slower as if that would make me less visible. It didn't work and Marge turned her eyes on me. "Why did you run off again? And what happened next?"

I could see her getting ready with a pen to write something down on a piece of paper, but I tried to ignore it. "I was upset. And so I- I didn't answer any of Taylor's calls and then I fell asleep at my friend's house."

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