14 - today was a fairytale

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Holy shit! I woke up feeling like my head, heart and stomach would explode. My heart was beating so fast, and I couldn't erase the smile from my lips even if I forced the corners of my mouth down with my fingers.

I'd set an alarm to wake me up at 5:30 AM and put on the outfit that I had decided to wear today; my old pair of ripped denim shorts, a snake necklace, and an olive-green tank top with a white print of a snake twisted around a rose. I'd found the top and the necklace in a thrift shop back in Jackson around the time reputation came out and just had to buy them, even if it wasn't really what I would usually wear. I found the golden headband that Taylor had given to me and decided to wear that as well, mostly because I liked the fact that she was the one who'd bought it for me.

Pete would drive me to Nashville to drop me off close to the Walk of Fame where I would meet up with Connor. Around the time that school started, Taylor had sent me two online tickets to the show and told me I could bring whoever I wanted, so of course I decided to bring Connor since he was the reason Taylor even knew I existed in the first place.

I decided to just apply a layer of mascara and my only light red lipstick. Firstly because I wasn't really into makeup as it was, and also because Pete had told me that it would be super hot out, and I didn't want my makeup to run. My relationship with Alice and Pete had gone back to normal again after school started — and after I'd gotten my phone back — and I hadn't done anything close to something that might get me in trouble.

It took me some time to paint a 13 on the back of my hand and I filled it in with the purple nail polish that Callie had gotten me for my 13th birthday.

When I went downstairs to have something for breakfast, I was surprised to see Pete already up and eating a grilled cheese at the kitchen island.

"Hey! Happy birthday!" he said when I walked in and gave me a smile.

I had totally forgotten about my birthday in the excitement of going to the concert. "Oh right, thanks," I smiled, walking over to get some cereal out of the cupboard.

"How does it feel to be fourteen?" he asked, turning to look at me. I shrugged and looked for the Cinnamon Toast Crunch with my back turned to him.

"The same. I honestly forgot it was my birthday today. I'm just so, so, so excited about tonight," I replied, finding the cereal and grabbing everything else before going to sit next to him at the white marble island.

"When do you wanna leave? I'm counting on it taking us about three hours to get there. It took us about two and a half last time, but I know there's a road construction near Shepherdsville and only one available lane."

I had no idea where that was, but I just nodded. "I'm supposed to meet up with Connor at twelve, we're gonna have lunch together, so about nine then?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll remind you when we have to leave." He walked over to load his dishes in the dishwasher and left me alone.

When I got back to my room it was 6:50 AM and I spent the time listening through the entire album to make sure I knew all of the words. I'd even learned all of the rap parts in End Game, although she probably wouldn't be playing the guys' parts at the show if they didn't make a guest appearance.

At around 7:30 AM, I started to get my first birthday messages. The first one was from Susan and the second one from my friend Liz who I knew from my last school in Jackson. Connor FaceTimed me some time after eight to wish me a happy birthday and to talk about today, and Taylor called around the time when Pete called me downstairs to leave, so we could only talk for about a minute.

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