50 - friday night beneath the stars

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"How long does a game usually last?" I asked, looking over at Jess who was walking next to me in a big, army green crewneck with their school's logo across the chest. When I'd asked her about the sherpa-lined denim jacket she had tied around her waist, she'd replied with a simple "Just in case it starts to rain", and I'd decided to leave it at that, even though I wasn't sure how much the jacket would actually help if it did start to rain.

"About two hours, give or take, I think," Jess replied, bending forward as we walked to sweep her unruly hair up into a ponytail.

We were following some of her friends down to the football field where it seemed like half their school was already waiting.

Other than the few games Susan had forced me to attend where Connor and I had spent the whole time spying on Finley and her new boyfriends or playing pretend under the bleachers — or the games Maeve, Ayleen and I had gone to, to support Sadie who played in the marching band — I didn't have a lot of experience with high school football, or football in general. But even though I usually had no interest in the sport, this time I was excited to see Josh play.

"Do you think he'll see us from here?" I asked when we'd found empty seats on the third row in the bleachers. I looked around to see if I could find us some better seats as Jess sat down.

"Don't worry, he'll see you," she said. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me down, and I relaxed a little.

I tried to look for Josh when I spotted the football team standing on the far side of the field, but I didn't see him until Harvey's red hair appeared among his fellow teammates when he stood up from where he'd been crouching on the ground, and I saw him pointing me out to someone. Josh's face lit up with a smile when his eyes landed on me, and he raised the hand that wasn't holding his football helmet to wave at me above his head.

I waved back and watched as he leaned in to say something into Harvey's ear before he started jogging over to us. I stood up again and went down to the chain link fence as he went up to stand on the other side.

"Hey, thanks for comin'," he said, and I grinned as he pulled me into a kiss over the railing.

"'Course! I wanna see you play before the season ends," I cheerily replied when we pulled away. He peered over my shoulder and gave Jess an upward nod before looking back at me.

"Hey, some of us are goin' over to Max's after the game. You wanna come?"

"Really? Even if you lose?" I asked, and his smile morphed into an amused smirk as he arched his eyebrows and ran a hand through his curly hair.

"You think we'll lose?" he asked in playful disbelief.

"No, I'm just saying," I shrugged with a smile, and he shook his head.

"We're winning. And you're comin' with us to celebrate, right?"

"Sure," I replied.

"Great. I have to get back or Coach'll kill me." He jabbed a thumb in the direction of his team who I hadn't noticed was shouting his name.

"'Kay, good luck."

I climbed back up to sit down next to Jess again, seeing her grinning at me. "He loooves you," she sang in a childish way, and I rolled my eyes at her. "And you love him too," she continued, this time with a high-pitched, excited voice.

I decided not to say anything but turned instead to focus on the cheerleaders who were walking over to line up on the running track in front of us. I recognized some of them from when we met up at the café and asked Jess about their names.

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