20 - you remind me of home. . .

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"Are you guys hungry? Skye, have you had lunch yet?"

"No, I had breakfast at eight."

"Babe, can we stop at, like, a Taco Bell or somewhere if we see one on the way?"

"Yeah, I'll be on the lookout. Let me know if you see a place where you want to stop."

I was sitting in the back of the car again on my way from Kentucky, but this time I wouldn't have to return. School had finally ended just yesterday, and Taylor and Joe had come to pick me up for the last time. It felt unreal that I was on my way home — to Nashville — where I would be living with Taylor Swift.

Taylor had told me a little about what would happen next. Her publicist, Tree, would come over later today for something, and we would be celebrating Christmas with both Joe's and her family at Taylor's house in Nashville.

I looked out through the misty window while listening to the radio that was quietly playing Christmas songs in the background. Unlike in Kentucky where the snow had melted by the time I'd returned, Tennessee looked like a winter wonderland now. About a foot high layer of white powder was covering the ground, and Joe had told me about the dozens of car accidents that had occurred because of the icy roads.

"There!" I exclaimed suddenly, eyes lighting up, and I pointed to the window. "There's a Wendy's over there."

When we finally got home and I got out of the car, I had to take a moment to just stare at the house in awe. Since Taylor had been in London before we'd gotten here for the meeting a week ago, she hadn't had time to decorate it before then, but now... She had gone all out with the decorations, and I was obsessed.

"What d'you think?" Taylor asked, coming up behind me while Joe carried my bags inside. They had taken most of my stuff with them when they dropped me off last week, and I'd only had the essentials left to bring.

"I love it! It looks amazing. I can't believe I get to live here." I glanced up at her and saw her smiling down at me, and she played with my hair before she brushed it back over the shoulder of my winter coat.

We made it inside together and I barely had time to go to the bathroom when the front door opened, and I heard Taylor talking to another woman as they came closer to my bedroom. I got out of the room and saw Taylor and Tree sitting on one of the couches.

Taylor looked up and saw me as I stepped out and she waved me over. "Skye! Come over here and meet my publicist, Tree."

Tree looked over at me too and waved, and I slowly made my way over to them, sitting down in one of the facing armchairs.

"Hi Skye, nice to meet you," Tree said in a professional way, and I gave her a small, shy smile.


The redhead pulled her phone out to check the time. "I'm sorry, my flight back to LA leaves pretty soon so we gotta make this quick."

Taylor nodded and I looked at her, waiting for either of them to explain what we were doing.

"Have you told her anything yet?" she asked, facing Taylor who shook her head. "Okay, well, Skye. First of all, I'm really happy that Taylor got the approval to foster you, however..."

in my wildest dreams - a taylor swift fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now