22 - welcome to new york

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"Skye! Do you need help with your bags?" I heard Taylor call followed by the thudding sound of something heavy being dragged down the stairs.

"I'm fine! Thanks!" I called back, grabbing my suitcase and rolling it out through the living room to the entryway. Since I didn't have any clothes in New York, I had to bring some with me but Taylor promised we'd have time to shop for new stuff later that I could keep at the different houses.

Taylor wasn't there when I left my suitcase next to Olivia's cat carrier, so I went to grab my phone and check my room in case I had forgotten something.

Before long, there was a gentle knock on the door and Taylor poked her head inside and smiled at me. "You ready to leave?"

"Yup." I followed her out and we got everything into the car with the help of Louis.

I was really excited to go to New York City because it felt like one of those things that a lot of people wanted but never got to do.

"The flight'll take about two hours but we're an hour ahead so three hours will have passed by the time we land," Taylor explained next to me in the backseat of the car. The backpack carrier for Olivia sat on the seat between us with the cat peeking out through the little window bubble.

I nodded and looked out through the window. Even though I was excited to be going to New York, I was still anxious for the flight. Both times when I was on the plane to and from London, I'd been panicking for the first hour or so and then managed to calm down a bit, and I was afraid that the same thing would happen this time too.

"Hey, Skye. It's gonna be okay. I'll be there the whole time and it's only two hours," Taylor said, reaching over the backpack carrier to grab one of my hands that had started shaking.

I wanted to say something but all I could manage was nod an okay.

Since we were flying in Taylor's private plane, we could skip the whole airport setting, but there were still some paps waiting for us to get from the car to the plane.

"Alright, I forgot to bring sunglasses so just try to keep your eyes on the ground. They will get our stuff for us so all we have to do is get onto the plane. I'll take Olivia and you just follow me, alright?"

I stared out of the blackened window at the men standing there with their cameras ready for us to exit the car. My last experience with them had not really been a pleasant one and, even though I knew Taylor wouldn't let any of them hurt me, I was still frozen with fear of what could potentially happen.

"Honey, are you okay?" Taylor asked, concerned, reaching over to caress my cheek. I bit my lower lip and looked over at her. "How about I get out first and go around the car to get you?"

"Okay," I said feebly and nodded, glancing outside again.

"Okay," she repeated. "See you in a second."

She knocked on the window to let them know that she was ready and as soon as Louis opened it, the paparazzi started shouting at her. I watched her hurry around to my side and open the door a second later.

"Come on baby. Grab my hand," she instructed me, holding her manicured hand out for me. I got out of the car and focused on grabbing her hand as the flashes nearly blinded me.

Thankfully this time they kept their distance from us, but they were still kind of close and I squeezed Taylor's hand as she led us up the steps to board the plane.

"You did great, babe. You're okay right? No one hurt you?" Taylor fussed as soon as we had gotten onto the plane and greeted the pilot.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said, following her to sit down in one of the seats. She wanted to leave as quickly as possible so that we'd have time to check out two of the apartments before we headed to the studio, and we only had to wait for them to get our bags from the car.

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