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Chapter 1:

"Y/N! Are you ready yet? We need to leave now if we want to get there before 11!" Your friend Selena's rang through the bathroom door. You rolled your eyes, fastening one last bobby pin in your hair.

You gave yourself a once over in the mirror and smiled. You had to hand it to yourself, you looked damn good. You were wearing a long-sleeve, shear black top that showed off your black bra underneath and a pastel pink miniskirt that left little to the imagination.

After deeming yourself worthy, you exited the bathroom and grinned at your two friends who were touching up their makeup and hair. Selena turned to look at you and she squealed, rushing over to you to give you a hug.

"You look fierce, babe!" She exclaimed, brushing her fingers through your hair to style it in a wave down your back. Your other friend, Katie nodded in agreement and leapt off the bed to come over to you.

"It's not everyday you turn 21, so you have to look your best! And you definitely fit that bill." She gave you and Selena a hug and the three of your laughed and squeezed each other in a group hug.

Tonight, was the first time in months that you had a chance to go out and have fun with your friends. In between university classes and your two jobs, it was difficult to find any time to yourself. But today, on your 21st birthday, you cleared your schedule enough to be able to go out with your friends. Selena and Katie, your roommates and best friends, were both already 21, which made you the baby of the group. Tonight, you were all going to go out and get hammered for one night of endless fun.

"The Uber's here!" Katie exclaimed, looking down at her phone. The three of you squealed, grabbed your stuff, and left the cluttered apartment. You each had a small purse, which held your phone and wallet, and a water bottle, which did not contain water.

The three of you clambered into the uber, already slightly tipsy from pregaming for an hour beforehand. You took a swig of your water bottle, wincing at the sharp bitter taste of the vodka. It was even nastier since it was the cheap kind of vodka instead of the quality stuff. You weren't privileged enough to be able to afford the nice kind of vodka.

"What's this new club we're going to?" You asked, your speech slightly slurred. Selena looked down at her phone.

"It's called The Red Satin." She said, holding up her phone with the club's website. "It's supposed to be really good, it has four and a half stars." You huffed sadly.

"Aw, that probably means it's expensive." You whined softly. Katie gave you a shake.

"Even if it is, we aren't paying for drinks, right?" She gave you a reassuring grin and you returned it, unable to resist her eagerness.

"Right. We're gonna make all the boys work for it!" Selena agreed, throwing an arm around your shoulders. Katie leaned in with a sly smile.

"And maybe Y/N will finally bring a man home instead of always sleeping alone." She teased, causing you to gasp in surprised offense.

"Hey, I'm single by choice." You protested, causing Selena to laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, we all know your sob excuses." Katie grinned and you rolled your eyes, giving her a swift smack to the head. She gasped and her hands flew to her head. "You're gonna ruin my hair!" She exclaimed.

"Relax, drama queen. Your hair is gonna be super messed up by the end of the night anyway." Selena giggled and reached out to playfully tussle Katie's hair. Katie yelped and jerked away as you and Selena burst out laughing.

When you reached The Red Satin, the line was so long, it almost wrapped around the block. The three of you groaned in annoyance and were about to trudge to the back of the line, until you saw the bouncer waving at you.

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