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Chapter 25:

After Lazarus left, it was quiet as you and the others glanced around at each other, not sure how to break the silence. You looked back down at the packet and sighed, flipping it closed. Jungkook held out his hand and you looked up at him, confused. You gave him the packet and he exchanged it for Dracula's journal, which you'd momentarily forgotten about. You weighed the book in your hand and thought back to the hole in the wall.

Now that you thought about it, it didn't make sense that Lazarus had put it in there. If he thought the book was dangerous, he would have just destroyed it. So, someone else must have put the journal in the hole in the wall. Someone who wanted to protect a secret, not destroy it. You looked at the packet the Jungkook let fall limp at his side, clutched in his hand. There was something about this that didn't sit well with you. Something... that you couldn't put your finger on.

"So, that was good, right?" Jimin said, lifting his hands up on the side. "Progress, I think? I mean I didn't get a chance to look at the packet, but those places look nice, don't they?"

You gave him a weird look as he gave you a wide grin, like this was really something to celebrate. This didn't seem like something to celebrate to you. You'd basically just been told everything you'd feared. You really didn't have a future. Sure, you could geta degree online, like Lazarus had suggested, but you wouldn't be able to have a family to share it with, let alone let anyone else into your life besides these three vampires. If you tried to make friends, or find a significant other, they would always be in danger because they associated with you. And children...

You'd never given much thought to children before. It seemed like some far off future that you didn't even want to think about right away. You could barely see yourself through college, how could you see yourself with children and a family? But now, now that you realized the possibility might never get to happen, might never even be an option... It stung. It stung more than you thought.

"You know, I figured you might not know how to react when Lazarus came here so I thought I'd pick something up to help out." Jimin's statement drew your attention back to him. He grinned and gestured behind him and you frowned when you saw a grocery bag filled with bottles. Jimin pulled one out and you recognized it as a bottle of tequila. Your eyes widened.

"So, are we celebrating or what?" Jimin asked, a grin on his face. You pressed your lips together and stared at the bottle. You looked down at Dracula's journal, then over at Jungkook, who was giving you a wary look. You turned back to Jimin, a stone settling in your chest.

"Yeah, let's do it. Give me the bottle."


The next day, you woke up late, very late. The sun was already shining through the window in your room on the west side, which told you that it was already early afternoon when you finally sat up. Your head was pounding between your eyes in the familiar hangover. You rubbed between your eyes and groaned, definitely regretting the events of last night. You swung your legs over the side of the bed, and looked at the side table. You smiled wryly when you saw a tall glass of water sitting there. Drunk-you was sensible at least to leave yourself water. You drank the entire glass and almost instantly felt better.

You got out of bed, took a long warm shower and changed into some comfy leggings and a baggy sweatshirt. After the shower, you were feeling much better and you wondered what the others were up to. Last night had been surprisingly fun. After popping the bottle of tequila, the three of you had retired to the kitchen to start taking shots and playing drinking games you'd learned from Selena and Katie. It turns out that vampires can get drunk, it just takes a lot more alcohol than it does a regular human.

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