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Chapter 12:

The vampire's grip was as cold as ice and you had to focus to keep from shivering when you felt his breath next to your ear. He led you toward the back of the store, keeping your pace casual and unhurried. From anyone who looked at the two of you from afar, you were sure you looked like an intimate couple. You knew there was no way you could get outside help. Not unless you could somehow get Taehyung's attention.

But how could you do that? He was on the entire other end of the store. You knew eventually, he would realize something was wrong if you didn't come back in time, but by then it would be too late. You'd be long gone. You needed to somehow get his attention now.

This vampire was different from the last attack. He knew about you, he knew you couldn't be compelled. Did he also know that your blood was poisonous? Did he also know about your heritage? If he knew those things, it was going to be much harder to get away from him. You had to assume that he did, since he hadn't yet commented on your strangely sweet smelling blood, despite its toxicity.

Your eyes widened and you stifled a gasp when an idea came to you. Just in time too as the vampire pushed the handle to the backdoor open, revealing the bright sun and the back side of the grocery store. You could see a van parked about fifty yards away, which you assumed to be his.

Just before he could push you outside, you reached your arm out to the sharp edge of the latch strike in the door. You sucked in a sharp breath and braced yourself as you dug your arm into the edge and dragged it as hard as you could, splitting the skin in a painful line. You hissed at the sting just as a hand wrapped around your wrist and yanked your arms away from the door. The vampire shoved you outside and you stumbled forward, bringing your arm to your chest. You looked down at it and smiled when the open wound started to pool blood.

You gasped when the vampire grabbed your arm hard, yanking you forward. He raised your bleeding arm to his nose and took a deep inhale, glaring at you at the same time. You could see his arms shaking and his jaw was clenched just a little too tightly. He was having trouble controlling himself. You smirked.

"What's wrong?" You asked, pushing your wrist closer to him. The vampire's fangs flashed, and you gasped, thinking he might actually try to feed on you. Instead, he yanked you closer, twisting your arms behind your back and turning you around, so your back pressed against his chest.

"What game do you think you're playing?" He snarled in your ear. You struggled against his grip, even though you knew it was futile.

"You know what I am." You hissed back. "But you have no idea what I'm capable of..." you struggled again, wincing when his nails dug into the open wound in your arm.

"Don't think you can trick me." The vampire growled, pulling you back with him, the two of you backing toward his van. You glared at the back door to the grocery store, mentally willing it to open.

What the hell is taking him so long?

Suddenly, the door burst open and Taehyung emerged, a wild angry look in his eyes. You exhaled sharply as a wave of relief passed over you. Taehyung's eyes met yours and they flashed red when they processed your predicament.

You knew that your blood had an unusual aspect to it, more than just the fact that it was poisonous. You also knew that it was significantly more intoxicating and sweet-smelling than a normal human. On top of that, you knew that Taehyung had a particular affinity for your blood, as proven the first time you met and when he'd almost lost control when you had a head injury in the first attack. Because of this, you were sure that if you were to draw blood, he would smell it, he would know something was wrong, and he would come looking for you.

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