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Chapter 17:

The days faded into weeks and you were starting to get bored. You'd been entertaining yourself by reading more of Dracula's journals. You'd gotten through an entire journal where most of the entries talked about Dracula's seemingly mundane life. You thought a vampire's life would be more interesting, but he mostly only complained about small inconveniences and whined about how he missed certain things about being human.

It was surprising to hear him talk about how he missed things like body heat and the sound of a heartbeat. These were things that you took for granted, that you never noticed on yourself, but it sounded strange to think about not having. To not be able to feel your own body heat, or to not be able to hear your own heart beat... you couldn't imagine it. In fact, there were a lot of things that you hadn't thought about with the differences between vampires and humans. They were technically undead, so they didn't breathe, didn't feel pain, didn't feel hot or cold, didn't feel anything. It was definitely creepy to think about, especially since you were currently living with three of them.

Other than the journals, you'd started picking up cooking and baking since there was nothing else to do. Since you basically had three chauffeurs, you were able to return to the grocery store on several occasions, without having to worry about the bill. You felt a bit bad for taking their money, until you were reminded that it was technically your money, since it had been Dracula's at one point.

So far, you'd baked three separate batches of cookies and cupcakes and had even tried your hand at cooking steak, which you'd never tried before. The cookies came out fine, but the cupcakes had definitely been way too sweet. They were tasty regardless.

Your relationship with the boys had slowly been improving. When you said "improving", you meant it in the loosest form of the term. You didn't argue with them as much. Jimin had been toning down the creepy smiles and secret smirks and had instead tried to be as calm and collected around you as possible. You still definitely thought there was something sketchy about his intentions, but so far, he hadn't given you any reason to try and figure out what that was. Jungkook was stoic as always, but he didn't blatantly ignore you like he had been up to this point.

In fact, you'd even caught him smiling at one point when you were trying to figure out how to bake cupcakes. You'd been covered in batter, glaring at your phone where the recipe was, unable to touch it because your fingers had been too sticky, when he had walked into the kitchen. You both froze and stared at each other, your cheeks flushing bright red when you realized how ridiculous you looked. Jungkook had looked at the scene, glancing at your hands, to your phone, the bowl, and then back up at your eyes and his jaw tightened, his lips pressing together.

You let out an exasperated breath and moved to wash your hands, but suddenly, Jungkook appeared next to you and he leaned over to turn your phone back on for you, navigating to the recipe. He placed the phone in front of you and you gulped at the sudden proximity. When you glanced up at him, you noticed the tiniest of smiles in the corner of his mouth before he turned away and grabbed a bag of blood from the fridge.

Taehyung, on the other hand, had actually changed the most out of the three. It was like everything that had gone down with Rosemary had given him some kind of closure, because he wasn't as angry and volatile as before. In fact, you almost found him pleasant to be around and didn't mind so much if the two of you had a chance to talk. Granted, your conversations were always awkward and short, but this was definitely better than before when any conversation would lead to an argument or yelling match.

You were bored out of your mind most days, so you spent most of your time pacing around the house and listening to music. Part of you wondered if this was how it was always going to be, being bored forever, cooped up in a house, unable to go anywhere by yourself for fear of being kidnapped and murdered. You hadn't even seen Lazarus since he'd left you here, what was he doing through all of this? Perhaps you could convince him to allow you to move somewhere else where you could transfer to a different university where no one knew you, so you wouldn't have to compel anyone. That way you could at least be doing something.

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