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Chapter 3:

It was quite the ordeal, finding your way back home. After calming yourself and gathering your bearings, you discovered that you had ended up in a building just opposite of The Red Satin nightclub. After realizing that you didn't have your clutch, which contained your phone and your wallet, you returned to the club to see if they had found it. You were painfully aware of the secret underground vampire club that waited just underneath the floor, but you tried your best to remain calm.

As a stroke of luck, the bar patron had your clutch after someone had turned it into them. after glancing inside your wallet, you were pleasantly surprised to see that only your cash had been stolen. You had expected all your cards to be gone too, but your ID and credit cards, were still there. Luckily you only brought twenty dollars in cash, so it wasn't a huge loss.

After retrieving your clutch, you caught a ride back to your apartment. Your phone had died, so you couldn't check to see if Selena or Katie had been calling you, but you expected that they had. From what you gathered, it was still very early morning, which meant you had been missing for only a couple of hours. Perhaps they thought that you had gone home with someone. Either way, you were sure that they were worried.

You were still holding your neck, feeling sharp pains coming from the wound every now and then. That pain and the feeling of dried blood between your fingers were constant reminders that you hadn't dreamt that up. You had escaped the captivity of real-life vampires. And one of them had tried to suck your blood. You were lucky that the driver didn't seem to care about you because he hadn't asked any questions.

You were quiet, staring at the floor of the car, surprisingly calm. You weren't sure why you weren't freaking out, considering you had just learned that vampires were real. Perhaps this was what shock felt like.

When you got back to your apartment, you went straight to your room and walked into your bathroom. You stared at yourself in the mirror, huge bags under your eyes, pale pasty skin, and hair that looked like a rat's nest. You took a deep breath and removed your hand from your neck. You winced at the site. There were two puncture wounds from the vampire's fangs and dried blood was smeared all around them, staining your skin and your hand from where you were covering it. You turned on the sink and started desperately scrubbing your hands and your neck with water and soap, wincing at the stinging in the bite marks.

After the wound was a clean as you could get it, you took a shower quickly, washing off the dirt, grime, and sweat from the night before. You let the warm water massage out the tense muscles in your shoulders and your back. After stepping out of the shower, you immediately pulled out a bandage from your first aid kit and applied it to your neck. You then changed into more comfortable clothing: a pair of leggings and a long-sleeve t-shirt.

You left your hair hanging past your shoulders, hoping to cover the bandage on your neck. The fewer questions you got about it, the better. Hopefully you could put this whole mess behind you and forget it every happened.

"Y/N!" You flinched when the door to your room burst open and Katie and Selena stood in the doorframe. They were both pale and still wearing the clothes from the previous night. Katie's eyes were molten as she stalked into the room and marched straight up to you. You gasped and jerked back as she threw her arms up and slammed them down on your shoulders.

"Where the hell have you been? Why didn't you answer any of my phone calls or text messages? Do you think it's fun when your friend goes missing after they've gone to the bathroom in a crowded club? Do you have anything to say for yourself?" She demanded, giving you a hard shake. You opened your mouth to reply, but she had started shouting again. "I thought you were kidnapped! I thought you were dead! You didn't bother to send a text that you were okay and then you return home and don't even say anything to anybody? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you have any idea how worried I've been?"

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