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Chapter 6:

Back at the manor, you sat at the dining table where they had first broken the news of your heritage to you. You clutched your backpack in your lap, staring at the table intently. It had been about twenty minutes since the three vampires had brought you here after saving you from the other two vampires who'd attacked you. They had allowed you to clean yourself off in their bathroom and then had told you to wait in the dining room.

You figured that they needed to contact Lazarus somehow. From what you'd gathered, Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung did nothing but follow orders. You were still unclear on how the hierarchy worked, but you did know that Lazarus held more power than they did, so they had to follow what he said.

"Y/N, it's good to see you again." You inhaled sharply at the voice behind you. You turned to see Lazarus walking toward you, the other three close behind him. You scowled and turned back to the table. Lazarus took his space at the head of the table and steepled his fingers in front of him, giving you a deep look of sympathy. His red eyes and porcelain skin were still unsettling, but at least you could look him in the eye now.

"I'm very sorry that you had to go through what you did." He said compassionately. "I asked these three to watch over, so nothing like this would happen. I'm sure they're also very apologetic." Lazarus cast his gaze over to the three, who were standing behind you. You shivered at the expression he gave them.

"It appears that your identity is not as secret as we believed it was." Lazarus continued.

"Do you know who wanted to attack me?" You asked. Lazarus' gaze became clouded as he looked off into the distance at something you couldn't see.

"I have an inkling." He whispered vaguely. "It doesn't really matter. What does matter is that you are going to targeted from now on. You need protection." He beckoned to the three who emerged from behind you, standing on either side of you. "I have asked these three to be your personal protectors. This time, however, they won't leave your side so there will be no fear of you being attacked unsupervised again."

"Why would they do that?" You asked cautiously. The questions had been bothering you a lot lately. Why did these three vampires care about you or your weird bloodline? Even though they'd been the ones to discover you, it didn't make any sense why they were still here.

"You don't have to worry about their loyalty. They'll do what I say." Lazarus cast a scathing look to each of them in turn and your blood ran cold. You glanced up at each of them, wondering what exactly Lazarus had on them. Jimin's expression reminded you of a snake, eyeing a potential victim, lying in wait. Jungkook looked bored and stoic as usual, and Taehyung looked like he wanted to rip Lazarus' head clean off his body.

"Why are you helping me?" You asked, turning back to face the Elder. Lazarus sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"I've seen what the Elders have done to Dracula and his line over the centuries. Dracula was by no means a good man, but he didn't deserve the injustice. He was my good friend. So, to avenge his death, I will protect his descendants." He looked down at you. "That means I will dedicate all my resources to protecting you." There was something more than just sincerity in his eyes. Something more than just a promise made to his late friend. You shivered and quickly looked away. There was definitely something about Lazarus that made you on edge.

"So... what does that mean? I have to have someone following me all the time?" You asked, trying to shake away the goosebumps on your arms. Lazarus leaned back and sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Well, we might have to be more aggressive than that. The fact is, if you're left alone for even a second, then you're susceptible to an attack. That's why I think it would be most prudent if you were to move in here." He announced. You jaw dropped and you straightened.

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