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Chapter 33:

"Taehyung, get up!" Jimin commanded, cracking his knuckles. You looked over at Taehyung, who shook his head and stood to his feet, wobbling slightly. Caden shoved you back, releasing his iron grip on you and pulled his crossbow over his shoulder.

You stumbled, trying not to lose balance from the force of the shove and gasped as Jimin turned around, grinning evilly.

"Well then," He said. "Let the games begin."

"Kill them, kill them now!" Caden shouted frantically, loading his weapon and pointing it at Taehyung. You gasped as Taehyung massaged his ears, not paying attention.

"Taehyung, look out!" You shouted as Caden fired his weapon. Taehyung looked up at your voice and side-stepped quickly, the stake flying passed him and embedding itself in the wall behind him. He gave you a grateful look as Caden whirled around on you, his eyes flashing with untamed rage. The sounds of fighting could still be heard in the background as Jimin killed the other hunters one by one.

"You!" Caden shouted, stepped toward you with murder in his eyes. "You still help them? We had a deal, you filthy slut." He snarled, drawing a knife from his belt. You stumbled backwards, looking down fearfully at the sharp blade. "You did this on purpose. You knew this would happen, didn't you? You knew!" He launched toward you, driving the knife toward your chest.

You jumped back and lifted your arms to defend, but before he could reach you, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your shoulders and shove you to the side. You stumbled out of the way and looked up as Jungkook stood in your place and grabbed Caden's wrist that held the knife. He twisted it hard and Caden cried out, dropping the knife.

"You keep her name out of your mouth." Jungkook snarled, his voice dangerously low. Caden raised his free hand to his lips, the whistle clenched in his trembling fingers. Before he could use it, Jungkook snatched it away and snapped it in half with one hand. He tossed it to the side, his eyes burning red as he grabbed Caden by the scruff of his neck and pulled him close. You swallowed and stood up, looking over to see all the other hunters were dead and Jimin and Taehyung standing over them, blood dripping from their mouths and fingers. Jimin crossed his arms, giving you a pointed look as Caden whimpered in Jungkook's grip.

"Did you really think a pathetic human like you could outthink, outsmart, outlive beings like us? Did you think yourself so grand that you could kill us and take your prize without a fight?" Jungkook gestured at you with one hand. "She's smarter than you." He snarled. "She's stronger than you. She's better in every way, and you couldn't stand it so you wanted to possess her, to keep her down." Jungkook grabbed Caden by his hair and pulled his head back, making Caden squeak in fear. "I ought to break each of your fingers." Jungkook whispered in his ear. "I ought to pull each of your teeth out and feed them to you one by one. And even that wouldn't be enough of what you deserve." He pulled back to looked Caden in the eye again. "I would do that. But you are not worth my time, or her time. So I'll just settle on snapping your neck."

"Jungkook, wait!" You shook yourself out of your stupor and stepped forward, grabbing Jungkook's arm. "Don't kill him."

Jungkook looked down at the hand on his arm and then up at you incredulously. "You're protecting him? Seriously? After what he did, after what he said about you, after what he wanted from you?"

You shook your head, pulling one of his hands away from Caden and holding in yours. "I'm not protecting him, I'm protecting you. If you kill him, you're no better than him." Jungkook shook his head and turned back to Caden, tightening his grip on his scruff.

"He deserves worse." Jungkook growled, showing his fangs menacingly. You took a deep breath and nodded, squeezing Jungkook's hands.

"Then we'll give him worse. Let him live with this." You gestured at the six dead bodies surrounding the area. "Through his own arrogance, he got his entire squad killed. He failed to make his bones and he will be the only survivor. Let him live with that guilt. He'll be ruined, he'll never be able to show his face again." You turned to look at Caden, who was staring wide-eyed at you, as if not expecting you to be so cruel. "Death is far too forgiving a punishment for him." Jungkook's grip on Caden lessened and Caden sunk to his knees, his face aghast and his eyes dropping and defeated. You knelt down so you were at eye level with him and grabbed his hair, pulling his face up to meet your gaze.

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