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Chapter 36:

The next few days were a blur. After you'd woken again from the initial sedation, the doctor had reassured you that amnesia was a common side effect for someone who'd experienced intense trauma. He was optimistic that your memory would eventually return, you just had to keep your brain stimulated with things from your life.

Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot of that because the young man, whose name you found out was Jungkook, claimed to be your husband, but almost never came in to speak to you. Sometimes he would stand outside your room and just stare until you turned to give him a hard glare, then he would walk away. There was something strange about him, something strange about the way he acted around you. He didn't act like someone's husband. It was almost like he had no idea how to act around you.

You overheard a conversation he had with the doctor the day after you'd been sedated that made you even more suspicious of him.

"Do you know when she'll remember?"

"I'm sorry, sir, it's impossible to tell. Her body was put under extreme duress and trauma and she lost a lot of blood. It was a miracle that she woke up at all. All that's left to do is be patient."

"Is there any way to speed up the process? I just... I really need her to remember."

"Well, if you could bring trinkets from home, sentimental objects, something she has a strong connection to, it could help stimulate her hippocampus. Do you have objects like that?"

"Um... well, not really. We just... moved."

"I see, well if you just sit with her and talk to her, remind her of her life, I'm sure it will help."

"Okay, thank you doctor."

Not only that, but no one seemed to be able to give you a straight answer on what actually happened to you. Your body was weak and it was difficult to get up and walk around every day, like the doctor recommended you do. It felt like every muscle in your body had been set on fire and then burned to a crisp and now it was hard to do even the simplest of movements. You were slowly getting stronger, able to walk a little more every day, but it was still exhausting and painful work.

You asked the nurses what happened to you, but they always avoided the question or ignored you completely. The doctor insisted it was an 'accident', but either nobody knew, or nobody wanted to tell you the truth. You tried asking the man claiming to be your husband, but even he avoided a straight answer. It was making you angrier and angrier, not being able to move correctly and not being able to remember a single goddamn thing.

You were starting to think that there was way more to all of this than just a simple accident. Something horrible had happened to you and you were both determined and a little scared to find out what.

That day, you were taking your daily walk down the hallway outside of your hospital room. You could actually make it to the end of the hallway today and you were feeling very proud of yourself, when you heard a hushed voice coming from the branch that led to the visitor's bathroom. You recognized Jungkook's voice and narrowed your eyes when you heard your name. You shuffled closer, peeking around the corner to see him leaning against the wall, speaking into his cellphone. He hadn't noticed you, so you didn't feel bad as you eavesdropped shamelessly.

"I don't know what to do, Taehyung," He was saying. You pressed your lips together, being introduced to yet another unfamiliar name. "No, she doesn't remember anything... I told you, nothing. Not about us, not about her heritage, nothing... I don't know what to do... She's going to figure something's wrong eventually, if she hasn't already. You know how smart she is..." You blinked, feeling strange at the compliment. "I can barely even look at her, Taehyung. When she looks at me with that... It's just a lot. It's been so long since she looked at me like that and I just can't... Well, what am I supposed to say to her? Just tell her the truth straight up? She'll think I'm out of my mind... Okay, yeah let me know how it goes."

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