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Chapter 22:

The ride back was quiet. You stared at your fists that were resting on your lap the entire time. You could feel yourself sinking into a hole of sadness and despair. You knew this feeling, you were highly familiar with it. You lived with this feeling for most of your life. Through all the horrible foster homes, the terrible time in high school with the bullies and the name-calling, to the endless, sleepless nights of studying to and working to be able to put yourself through college, that feeling had been there. The intense black hole of self-pity and loneliness that was always there, threatening to swallow you whole.

But back then, you'd always managed to suppress it, you'd always managed to keep a little light in your life. That light was the future, it was the reminder that if you just managed to get through high school, if you just managed to get into college, then you would be able to have a good life, a good future. One with friends and a family and joy. And you'd had that... until now...

Now your family was gone, they no longer remembered you or knew you existed. And your future... what was left of your future? Being cooped up in a house with three angry vampires until you rotted or were killed. So that little light that always kept you going, that always kept the darkness at bay, it was gone now. And the darkness... it was worse than you'd ever experienced before.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying not to panic or break down right there. You swallowed and let ice form around your heart. Let the coldness in, let the icy sheet wrap around your heart and freeze your chest. You had to, otherwise the heat from the uncontrollable rage and despair would consume you. You opened your eyes again and felt... empty. Empty and cold, so cold.

"Hey, Y/N, I know that was hard for you." Jimin said suddenly, breaking the deafening silence. "You know, I know we haven't really been on the best terms recently, but I want you to know you can talk to me if you need to."

"I don't need to." You said tersely, continuing to stare at your hands. You unclenched your fists and stared at the half moon shapes on your palms from where your nails had been digging into them.

"Are you sure? I mean I understand if—"

"I said, I don't." You snapped, gritting your teeth when you let a bit of heat into your voice. You couldn't let the anger in. You had to stay cold, ever so cold...

Jimin stayed quiet after that, which you appreciated. You weren't sure how well you could keep your emotions in check at the moment.

Back at the manor, you couldn't look Jimin in the eye as he led you to the door. He opened it and the two of you walked inside. It was morning now, so the small rays of the sunrise flowed into the manor's windows, illuminating the rooms. You saw Jungkook and Taehyung both standing in the foyer. Jungkook was leaning against the stairwell railing and Taehyung was sitting on one of the seats. They both stood when you came in and you saw Jungkook's eyes turn red.

"Thanks for the note, Jimin, it wasn't at all vague or misleading." Jungkook growled. He approached you in two long strides and took your shoulder. His grip was firm, but you didn't react to it. Didn't pull away or lean in. You just stood.

"I told you where we were. It's more than you've ever done." Jimin retorted.

"Just saying you're at the hospital does not explain much. You didn't say anything about why you were there or..."

Jungkook trailed off, but you still weren't looking at him. You were staring at the stairs just ahead and wondering how long it would take for this to be over so you could go to sleep. Jungkook gave your shoulder a small shake, and you raised your gaze to meet his. His dark eyes were filled with emotion but you couldn't be bothered to try to identify any of them.

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