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Chapter 39:

You stepped back, away from the body on the floor. You stared at the stake poking through the body cavity, still not really believing what you'd done. You'd never wanted to hurt anyone... never wanted to inflict pain but... you didn't have a choice. Not in this moment. He was dead by your hand, but you didn't feel bad. You felt relieved... calmed... almost proud. There wasn't any other option, and you did what you had to do.

"Y/N..." You looked over at Jimin, still slumped against the wall. He was panting, his cheeks hollow and he was bleeding from his lip and cheek. "You saved my life."

"I..." You looked away, back at Dracula's dead body, watching as his skin was turning sickly grey. "I didn't..."

You heard a squelch and a groan and you turned to see Taehyung standing up, holding the small stake in his injured and bloody hand. He was staring at Dracula's body as well, his injury forgotten as he gaped at the scene. You took another step back as both vampires looked up at you. Both of them just stared, wary, watching your reaction. You looked between them, but neither of them were the face you wanted to see. The only one that could help you make sense of all this.

"W-where's Jungkook?" You demanded, turning away from Dracula's body. You started looking around the foyer, looking around for him, feeling your heart squeeze in your chest when you couldn't find him. "Where is he, what happened?" you looked harder, started walking around. He wasn't by the stairwell, wasn't in the sitting area, wasn't anywhere.

"I-I don't remember, he ran at Dracula and he got punched. I saw him fly but I don't know—" You let out a choked gasp, cutting Taehyung off.

You stumbled to the entrance to the kitchen, looked around, but didn't see anyone. You turned and ran to the entrance to the dining room, looked inside and finally saw him. He was slumped under the table, lying limp. You let out a cry of shock and ran over to him, falling on your knees next to him. You grabbed his shoulders and pulled him onto your lap caressing his face and head. You winced when you felt a damp spot on the back of his head.

"Oh please, please, please no..." You whispered, brushing his hair out of his face. "I just got you back, please don't leave me, not again..."

"I'm... not going... anywhere." You gasped as Jungkook's eyes fluttered open. He gave you a weak smile. You let out a relieved sob and hugged him tight, kissing him on the cheek. He exhaled and squeezed your hand, smiling up at you.

"I looked around, I didn't see you—I—didn't know what to do so I—" Your voice broke and tears leaked out of your eyes. You pressed your forehead into his shoulder as he sat up and wrapped his arms around you.

"I tried to protect you but... I kind of... forgot that I wasn't a vampire anymore." He let out a small chuckle, then winced, lifting his hand to the back of his head. "Won't be making that mistake again..."

"I was so scared, Jungkook... I was so scared." Your lips trembled and you wanted to fall into him. To bury yourself in him and let reality float away. The reality of what had just happened, what had just almost happened to you. Jungkook sat all the way up and wrapped his arms around you, pressing his lips to the side of your head.

"You're okay, we're okay now." He murmured gently.

You helped him stand and the two of you limped back into the foyer. You blinked when you saw Rosemary kneeling next to Dracula's body. You'd forgotten she was still here. She was crouched next to his head, staring at his glassy, lifeless eyes. They weren't golden anymore, they were an empty grey. Taehyung and Jimin were standing next to each other, watching her warily. When you and Jungkook appeared in the doorway, Jimin caught your eye and gave you a pointed look. You were thinking the same thing.

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