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Chapter 9:

When the professor finally showed up to begin his lecture, you could barely focus at all. Normally, you would be diligently taking notes and listening intently in case the professor gave any indication as to what would be on the exam.

Today, you could only focus on the vampire sitting next to you, doodling in the notebook you'd given him. You didn't fail to notice many of the female students in the class, glancing over a few too many times to be considered coincidental. They would shoot him curious glances and jealous ones to you. Jungkook hadn't looked up once from his doodles, so any girls wanting to get his attention were sorely disappointed.

Of course, even through all the chaos that had been surrounding you since your birthday, you hadn't failed to notice how unfairly attractive all three vampires were, Jungkook included. You'd tried not to think about it since they were bloodthirsty monsters who would much sooner kill someone than they would flirt with them, but it was impossible not to at least acknowledge their good looks.

On top of that, you now knew that you were a target to the majority of vampires in existence, according to Lazarus. And according to Jimin, you had sweeter smelling blood, which would make it a lot harder to lay low. Not to mention, having a vampire bodyguard following you around everywhere would be a dead giveaway. This whole operation was seeming more and more ridiculous and futile. What would happen if Lazarus ended up biting off more than he could chew? What if you were attacked and Jungkook and the others simply couldn't protect you? What would happen then?

On top of all of that, why did they want to take you alive? You had been under the impression that your very existence was a threat. So why were "they" sending people to capture you and not to kill you?

Honestly, the entire situation seemed so vague and convoluted that you couldn't fit all the pieces together in your head. There were holes missing that you still didn't have the answers to. It hurt to think about the situation even with a clear head. You were basically putting your blind fate in these vampires. And as uneasy as that thought made you, you knew that there was no other course of action to take. You were stuck.

The lecture ended and you sighed, having not paid attention to anything that had happened from being too lost in thought. Jungkook stood up and stretched his arms over his head. You rolled your eyes as you noticed half the female population of the class turn to watch him, eyes wide. You grabbed the notebook you'd let him use and dropped it in your backpack, zipping it up. You stood up, slinging your bag over your shoulder as two girls who had been sitting in front of you walked up to where you and Jungkook were standing.

"Hey Y/N, who's this?" One of them asked, smiling flirtatiously at Jungkook. You raised an eyebrow, having never had a conversation with either one of these girls in your life. You didn't even know that they knew your name.

"Um, this is Jungkook. He's a transfer student." You said vaguely, trying to push past them to leave. You walked down the lecture hall, but realized that he wasn't following and stopped.

You turned back around to see him trapped by the two girls, who blocked his path, cornering him against the desk. You crossed your arms and waited for him at the door as the girls spoke to him and batted their eyelashes, while he just looked uncomfortable, looking for a way to escape. It was almost comical, watching this literal vampire look flustered and uneasy. He looked up at you and you saw his eyes dilate as if asking for help through his gaze.

You narrowed your eyes and wondered why he didn't just compel them. He had made a big fuss about it earlier, so why didn't he just make them go away by himself? Jungkook's eyes were pleading now and you couldn't ignore him. You let out an annoyed sigh and rolled your eyes, stalking back to where you'd left him.

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