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Chapter 11:

Later that evening, you curled up in bed with Dracula's journal, hoping to read another entry before going to bed. You needed to distract yourself from the noise that was coming from Taehyung's room. You could the distinct rhythmic thumps that told you he was doing much more than just feeding on that girl. It made you sick, thinking about how that girl was only being compelled to obey his orders and that she wasn't consenting to anything he did to her. But you knew there was nothing you could do about it. Taehyung didn't care if you disapproved and he certainly wasn't going to stop on your account.

So, unable to do anything else, you opened the journal to the next entry and read:

Lazarus visited again to try to persuade me to come back to the Elders. He wants to please them, but I find the whole society ludicrous. There is no need for a panel of vampires to rule over our society. The elders on the panel are close-minded and grudging. They believe in isolating us from the humans. I believe that mentality is ridiculous. We may be immortal, but we have much to learn from humans. And even though we may feed on them for sustenance, they are useful in more ways.

The way they evolve, for instance. As one who was around during what is now called the Dark Ages, I have witnessed the immense evolution of humanity throughout history. It is fascinating to watch them try to better their world and their lives even though their lives are so short and ultimately meaningless. The Elders call their existence primitive, I find it innovative.

Lazarus is convinced the Elders will bring peace between vampires and humans. I disagree whole-heartedly. Separation is not the answer, we must embrace them.

You finished the entry and closed the journal, reflecting on what you'd just read. So at least now you knew Lazarus was telling the truth, Dracula really wasn't part of the Elders and they were friends. At least he told the truth about that. It was interesting to read Dracula's stance on humans and their place in the world. Even though you were sure Dracula had probably fed on and killed countless human, he didn't view them as cattle or sheep. He viewed them as something to study and learn from because of their mortal lives.

It was true mortality plays a large role in human existence. Compared to the massive universe and the never-ending longevity of time, humans don't live long at all. And that indeed changes one's aspect on life. You, yourself, had found yourself in an existential crisis at a point in your life. You'd wondered, what was the point in trying so hard when your life was meaningless anyway? What was the point in fighting for everything when in the end, your life would be forgotten and everyone you loved would die anyway?

It was a depressing thought, especially for one so young to be having, but it had given you a new perspective on your life. Your life may have ultimately been meaningless, but you still had to live it, so why not try to make it the best it could possibly be? If you gave life your own meaning, then that would bring you your own satisfaction and you wouldn't need to be remembered.

That mentality was flipped on its head for vampires. They were immortal, which meant they probably didn't have the same kind of existential crisis. Theirs was more in terms of the fact that their actions have no meaning because no matter how extreme, it would be forgotten in a hundred years.

You sighed, tucking yourself under the covers. You were mentally exhausted from thinking about everything all day. It didn't take long until you were completely asleep.


It was around midday the next day when you finally came out of your room, hoping to avoid any confrontation with any of the three vampires. You especially didn't want to run into Taehyung or the girl he was with. You just hoped he had already sent her away.

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