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Chapter 20

Jungkook pulled back in the driveway of the manor and you saw the other two cars, which told you that Jimin and Taehyung were back. You felt your skin crawl when you remembered that Taehyung had been out on a hunt. Then a spark of hope when you doubly remembered Jimin had been speaking with Lazarus. Perhaps he had some news.

Just before you touched the handle on the door, Jungkook grabbed your wrist, pulling you back. You turned to look at him in confusion, surprised to see him avoiding your gaze, a pink tint to his cheeks.

"Before... before we go in," He mumbled, glancing up and to the side nervously, making you frown in confusion. "Can you keep all of this between us?" He let out finally.

You stared for a few seconds and blinked, puzzlement ringing through your head.

"You've never told them where you go?" You asked, pinching your eyebrows together. Jungkook pursed his lips and shook his head.

"I've never told anyone." He murmured softly.

Your heart slammed in your chest and flames burst over your skin at his confession. You quickly looked away and cleared your throat loudly.

"Oh—um—yeah, okay. I won't say anything." You blurted, flustered. Jungkook released your wrist and your skin tingled from the release of contact. You licked your lips as he uttered a small 'thank you' and moved to the front door.

Jungkook opened the door and you both walked inside. You looked around the foyer and nearly jumped when you saw Jimin sitting in one of the loveseats next to the fireplace. You gasped in surprise at seeing him and clutched your chest as Jungkook shut the door behind you. Jimin was sitting cross-legged on the seat, one elbow on the armrest when his head rested on his knuckles. The lights were off and he was sitting in complete darkness, save for the light of the log fire flickering, making his face luminate dangerously. You could barely make out his expression, but his red eyes were enough to tell you that he was angry.

"Welcome back." He growled, sending a spark of fear down your back. Jungkook stepped in front of you, almost protectively and faced him head on.

"Sorry, I needed to run an errand and no one else was here to watch her." He said, his voice back to its monotonous, flat tone. Jimin let out a scoff.

"An errand, huh? What errand, exactly." He hissed, his voice an octave lower than normal. He was angry, that was for sure, but he hadn't yet made a move to attack Jungkook, like he had with Taehyung.

"I don't really see how that's any of your business." Jungkook deadpanned, shrugging his shoulders. You winced as Jimin's eyes flashed dangerously in the firelight.

"Not my business?" Jimin stood up abruptly, causing you to gasp and shrink away when you saw the look of murder on his face. Jungkook crossed his arms, standing his ground. "It became my business when you left this house with the girl and didn't bother to tell anyone about it." He pointed in your general direction and you bristled at the use of 'the girl' instead of your name.

Jungkook, however, didn't miss a beat. "It's not my fault that I was the only one here." He retorted calmly. Jimin grimaced, but Jungkook held his ground. "Maybe you should have given me a warning when you were going to leave so I could have timed it better." He said matter-of-factly. Jimin slammed his hand on the side table and you flinched.

"Watch your mouth, Jungkook." He snapped, his voice cutting and menacing. "Do not try to put this on me. There was no reason for you to leave with her without telling anyone or clearing it with me." His eyes flashed and he tilted his head. "You do know where I was, don't you?" He asked grimly, a small smirk teasing the corner of his mouth. "I was giving my report to Lazarus. If he had caught wind of this happening, you know exactly what he would have done to you."

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