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Chapter 8:

After returning to the manor, Taehyung disappeared into one of the rooms, leaving you to bring your stuff inside by yourself. You weren't entirely put off by that, since you weren't really comfortable around him still. Especially after the way he'd behaved at your apartment. You were still furious with him for compelling your friends for no reason. He hadn't done anything to them, but it was the principle that he could if he wanted to.

After bringing your bags up to your room, you used one of your towels to start brushing the dust off the surfaces to at least have a semblance that this place could become comfortable to live in. You didn't want to start unpacking, mostly because you were still unsure about all of this. There was still a chance that you might be able to go back to a normal life. Although that seemed unlikely considering the circumstances.

You made your way back down to the kitchen and opened the fridge, feeling your stomach sink when there was still nothing edible inside for you. You were really hungry now, your stomach making weird rumbling sounds every few minutes. You sat up on the counter and scrolled through your phone. You weren't much for social media, but you did like to scroll through twitter to stay updated.

You heard the door to the manor open, drawing you away from your twitter feed. You stood up and walked over to the kitchen door to see Jimin and Jungkook walking into the foyer, carrying grocery bags. Jimin met your gaze and he smiled, holding up the bags. They approached you and you retreated back so they could step past you and place the bags on the island.

"How did it go? Did you get your stuff from your apartment?" Jimin asked, leaning back against the counter.

"Um, yeah. What's all this?" You approached the island, reaching out to look onside one of the bags.

"We stopped by a grocery store." Jungkook deadpanned. "Figured you might be hungry." You looked over at him in surprise.

"Oh, so you're talking to me now?" You shot. Jungkook met your gaze, gave you a hard glare, and then rolled his eyes. You clamped your jaw shut, not meaning for the sassy response to come out so abruptly. He waved a dismissive hand and walked out of the kitchen without looking back. Jimin watched you with an amused smile on his face.

"You just love getting under people's skin, don't you?" He asked as you turned back to him. You rolled your eyes.

"No, I just don't like being ignored." You deadpanned. Jimin gave you a long slow nod, his smirk ever-present.


You pulled one of the grocery bags over to your and looked inside. You pulled out a huge cereal box and then looked further inside, cracking a smile.

"You guys obviously haven't gone shopping for humans in a long time." You noticed. You pulled out a box of spinach and some turkey cold cuts. Looking further, you saw a couple of bags of chips, a block of cheese, two boxes of rice, and a bag of apples. This wasn't really anywhere near what you would normally get in a grocery trip of your own, but you had to respect the effort.

"Obviously not. But we got all your basic food groups." Jimin said, walking over to the island. "Meat, greens, grains, dairy, and fruit. And a box of cereal for good measure." He pointed to each of the food items in turn as he listed the groups. You stifled a chuckle.

"Well... I guess I could do something with the rice, spinach, and cheese. Maybe make a risotto or something. Although you guys didn't get milk, so I guess I'll be eating dry cereal?" You shook the cereal box, watching as Jimin shrugged.

"We did our best." He said, crossing his arms a little defensively. You laughed and shook your head.

"I guess you did. Thanks." You put the food in the fridge and opened the box of cereal, popping a handful into your mouth. You sat up on one of the kitchen stools and continued to munch on the cereal as Jimin Joined you on the other side of the island. He watched you for a few minutes, neither of you saying anything. Finally, Jimin broke the silence.

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