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Chapter 37:

The ride back to the manor was quiet. No one really knew what to say, least of all you. You mind lingered on your mother. After your goodbye, the doctors took her off the ventilator. It didn't take long for her breathing to stop and her heart to stop beating. They turned off the machines, so you didn't have to listen to the flatline, but it was still painful. Jungkook had tried comforting you, but there wasn't much he could say, so he just took your hand, hoping to be a reassuring presence if anything else.

You leaned your head on the window of the car as Jungkook steadily drove down the freeway. Taehyung was in the back, staring down at his phone. You glanced at Jungkook's hands, one of them on the wheel, the other resting on the gear shift. You watched his chest rise and fall, the way he flexed his fingers from time to time, as if remembering he could. You eyed the color in his cheeks, the color that had never been there before. He really was human. He was alive, breathing, aging. He was aging again, just like you. It was a strange feeling, but a welcome one.

Ever since you refused Dracula's plan to turn you, everything had happened so quickly, you hadn't even had the time to think about the two of you and what was going on. You knew you loved him, and you wanted to be with him, but the possibility of that happening had never felt as real as it did now. Before, you were from different worlds, unable to really coexist. But now... you finally had the chance to be together. You just didn't know how to start.

And then, of course, there was the issue of the pregnancy. Just thinking about it made you feel nauseous and a lump to form in your throat. You hadn't yet processed the reality of what had happened to you. You'd been pregnant with Jungkook's half-vampire baby. But how could they have possibly known? The time between that night at Dracula's mansion and when you were in the hospital couldn't have been more than a couple of days. So how could a miscarriage take any sort of toll on your body? At that point, they should have only been a group of cells. Plus, the doctor had said you were a few weeks along, which didn't add up or make any kind of sense.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, breaking into your thoughts. You looked over at him, as he glanced at you in between eyeing the road. You pressed your lips together, trying to force the lump down so you could speak.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just... tired." You said breathlessly. Jungkook narrowed his eyes skeptically, but he didn't prod you or try to disagree.

"You know, lying through your teeth probably won't get you anywhere." Taehyung said suddenly, reminding you that he was even there.

"Okay, yeah you're right, I'm not fine. I'm just thinking about... everything. You should try it sometime." You countered. Your tone came out more snarky than you intended, but Taehyung didn't look offended. He just nodded and turned his attention away. Jungkook let out a melancholy sigh and you glanced at him curiously.

"What about you? How are you doing?" You reached out to touch his hand. Taehyung's eyes narrowed as he tracked the movement. Jungkook turned his hand over to let yours slip into it. Your fingers intertwined and he squeezed your hand.

"I'm doing alright, Y/N. I've had a bit of time to process what happened and... get used to my new body." He let out a wry chuckle. "It wasn't easy at first. I slept for so long that first night. Ask Taehyung, I was out."

You glanced back at Taehyung, whose eyes were still focused on your hand inside Jungkook's.

"We're here." Taehyung said, looking up. You released Jungkook's hand as he pulled the car into the driveway of the manor.

The three of you clambered out of the car and started up towards the front door. Just before entering, Jungkook gasped, stopping in his tracks.

"I forgot to get food!" He exclaimed. You turned to look at him in surprise. "I can't believe I... It's been my favorite part about being human again. All the food I could never eat before." He trailed off, his eyes alight with possibilities. You furrowed your eyebrows.

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