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Chapter 10

The next day after you'd deferred your admittance to university, you felt empty. You spent the entire morning organizing all your college notes on your bed. You had them all laid out in front of you and you stared at them, eyes filled with moisture. You wanted to burn the two years' worth of work you'd done, wanted to rip them to shreds. You were furious at everything and everyone and you were even more angry because you couldn't change anything. You couldn't make this situation better because you didn't know how.

You glared angrily at the pages in front of you, clenching your hands to fists to prevent yourself from following through with your urges. Instead, you closed your eyes and took a few long deep breaths. When you reopened your eyes, you were calm once again. You gathered all your college notes and neatly stacked them away under the bed.

After your embarrassing breakdown, you'd thrown yourself into an organizing frenzy to distract yourself. You'd completely unpacked, put your clothes in the dressers and closets, and had taken a much-needed shower. You were still in a fragile state, but you were trying to stay strong. Trying at least make the best out of this horrible situation.

The one thing you knew you would have to do to make this situation better was at least trying to find some common ground with the vampires assigned to guard you. The entire time you'd been with them, you'd treated them with distrust and caution. And even though you had every right to treat them that way, considering one of them had tried to feed on you the first time you'd met, you knew it was time to open up to them.

Not completely, obvious not completely. But at least enough so you could entertain the idea of a friendship or at least a civil relationship. So far, Jimin was the only one you could talk to without starting a shouting match or letting the conversation fizzle into tense silence. But even talking to Jimin was tense because you could never tell what was genuine and what wasn't.

You made your way out of your room and down the hall. Something caught your attention in one of the rooms and you paused, peering through the slightly ajar door. You were more than a little surprised by what you saw.

Jungkook was standing in the center of the room in front of something large and white, you couldn't quite make it out. His back was facing you, but you could see him moving his arms. You took a step closer to try to make out more, but the floorboard creaked under your shoe and Jungkook turned around abruptly. You only saw a glimpse of his dark eyes before the door was suddenly slammed in your face. You gasped and jerked back in surprise, staring at the closed door. You sighed and turned away from his room, walking down the hall and down the stairs.

You emerged into the kitchen to see Jimin reading a newspaper while sipping from a wine glass. If you didn't know better, you would assume the liquid in his glass was just red wine. He looked up when you entered and smiled, putting the paper down.

"You read the news?" You asked, nodding at it. Jimin looked down at it, like he was just remembering it was there.

"Not really. Just the crossword." He tapped the page where you saw he was filling out the newspaper crossword puzzle. You nodded and went to sit on the island stood across from him.

"I... wanted to talk to you, actually." You said slowly. Jimin looked up and smiled widely, placing the paper down.

"Of course, what would you like to talk about?" He spread his arm openly, but you noticed there was a tightness in his shoulders that said he wasn't as open as he seemed.

"Just... to clear the air. Obviously, this situation isn't ideal for either of us and I know I've been... difficult." You said cautiously, gauging his reaction. He smirked and nodded sympathetically.

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