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Chapter 23:

After your shower, you changed into the clothes Jungkook left for you. It was obvious he hadn't dressed anyone besides himself for over a century because he left one of your camisoles and some baggy grey sweatpants. They were good pajamas, but considering it wasn't even midday yet, not the greatest outfit for the daytime.

You were feeling so much better than you had been when you'd woken up. The shower and some food in your belly was a huge help and even though you still felt helpless and the darkness was still there, there was a bit of light that kept you hopeful. The past few days, you hadn't been able to see any light at the end of the tunnel, but something had shown you that there was some even in the darkest of places. Well, more like someone. Or two someone's more specifically.

Jungkook and Taehyung's kindness, despite you being the whiny human crying and feeling sorry for yourself, was enough to remind you that even though this was a horrible situation, you weren't alone. They understood, they sympathized, they'd experienced so much worse. They should have been hard because of the darkness, should have succumbed to it long ago. And yet, they were here, helping you pick yourself up when you were at your lowest point. You'd insulted them, yelled at them, tried to cut them exactly where you knew it would hurt, but they'd taken it in stride and still helped you, even though it would have been so much easier to just let you wallow.

Jimin had reacted more in the way you'd expected, uncaring, insensitive and cruel. The hard words he'd given you still churned in your stomach and made you angry and bitter. It had honestly surprised you. he'd been so tender in the car and at the hospital. Not to mention that he'd always been the one to offer a kind word, even if a lot of it was faked. It seemed that the kindness in him only went so far. He stopped using the mask as much recently and you caught glimpses of the real, dangerous vampire underneath.

You still remembered how hard he'd clamped on your wrist and pressed you into the table, his face close to yours. Still remembered looking into his eyes and seeing the true emotion hidden underneath the perpetual mask. He refused to tell you the truth about what Lazarus really wanted. It couldn't have been just because of his relationship to Dracula. You weren't naïve enough to believe that.

You decided then that you were going to find out what was really happening. You had some of the puzzle pieces, but you didn't know where they fit and much of it was still missing. So much of your stay with these vampires had been figuring how you fit with them, but it was time to get to the root of it, to figure how all of it fit together. Jimin may want to keep secrets from you, but you'd been through enough, had lost enough. Now, there was nothing to hold you back, nothing left to lose.

You walked back into your bedroom after drying your hair and reached down for your phone that was still on the floor. You plugged it on to charge and noticed something else under the bed. You grabbed it and pulled out one of Dracula's journals. The one you'd been reading what felt like a million years ago. So much had happened since the last time you'd read an entry. There were answers here, you were sure of it. You flipped through the journal to where you'd left off and started to briefly read over each entry after to see if there was anything promising. One entry caught your eye and you began reading:

It has been a few months since the hunt began. Those descendant from my relationships with humans are being persecuted and executed for the special blood they possess. I never thought the countless human lovers I have taken over the centuries would one day cause me such pain. I never imagined that these children would have any sort of connection to me, and yet they became the most dangerous threat to my existence. The Elders are afraid of that power and the threat to the existence of vampires as a whole.

As for me, I have taken to my manor away from civilization. Of course, Lazarus has tried to persuade me back, but I know the Elders want nothing more than to kill me. I will not give them the satisfaction. I will continue to live on in the knowledge that I never succumbed to their authority or their power. I will live on a thorn in their sides for as long as I am able. I only hope that my descendants are granted a swift death as there is nothing I can do for them. They are too powerful, and they do not even know it.

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