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Chapter 2:

You were having a horrible dream. Monsters with red eyes swarmed around you, blood dripping from their ugly pasty faces. They had long, sharp fangs that bit and pinched your skin all over your body, making you writhe in pain. One of them materialized in front of you, his deformed, ugly face slowly morphing into an image of a young man, with evil eyes. The image of this man was burned into your brain, but you couldn't remember why. Then he snarled and his teeth flashed, his long fangs protruding menacingly.

You screamed and jerked awake, sitting up abruptly. You panted hard and blinked a few times, trying to forget the horrifying images of your nightmare. You looked around and realized that you had no idea where you were or how you got there. You were lying on a couch in a small, dark room that had another couch perpendicular to the one you were sitting in and a small side table. There was nothing else in this room except a door in the far corner. You looked down at yourself to see you were still wearing the same clothes as you had been when you passed out.

Why had you passed out?

You wracked your brain, trying to remember what had happened, but all you could remember was going to the bathroom. You had gone to the bathroom behind the club and then... and then what?

Suddenly, the door to the room opened and you gasped, jerking back on the couch. A young man entered, and it took you a second before you recognized him as the man you had danced with in the club. You opened your mouth to demand what was happening when another person entered the room behind him. Your jaw went slack, and fear burst in your chest as the man from your nightmare stood before you... and you remembered why you passed out.

His mouth was clean now, no more blood, and it was closed so his fangs were no longer visible. His eyes, which you remembered as red, were back to a normal shade of black. Despite his seemingly regular appearance, you recognized him instantly as the horrifying monster that had been drinking the blood of the woman in the hallway of the underground club. The monster quirked an eyebrow at you and you screamed.

All you could remember was the gash in the woman's neck, the red eyes, and the blood... you had no idea what he was, and you didn't want to find out. You looked around, still screaming at the top of your lungs, searching for a weapon or a way out. Something to help you get away from these men... if they even were men. You hoped if you screamed loud enough, someone would hear you and they would get help.

"Hey! Hey, miss, please calm down!" The man you'd danced with stepped closer to you, trying to shout over your screaming. He reached out and you screamed louder, swatting at his hand.

"Don't touch me! Don't come near me! Help, somebody, help me please!" You cried out, feeling tears stream down your face in rolls. The man from your nightmare let out a snarky laugh.

"I told you this would happen." He deadpanned, earning a glare from the other man. The man you danced with reached out and grabbed your arm. You tried to pull it out of his grasp, but his grip was like iron. You screamed again and tried to punch him, but his other hand caught your fist at lightning speed.

"Hey, it's okay, I promise, it's okay. No one is going to hurt you. Please calm down." He said gently, looking deep into your eyes. You continued to sob and wail miserably. You were resigned to the fact that you were probably going to die now. You were going to die by the hand of these people... these... monsters.

"If you don't calm down now, then we can't let you go." He said, raising his voice slightly and giving you a shake. You stopped screaming as his words registered and let out a choked sob. You clasped your hands together around your knees and curled up, hunching your shoulders so you could be as small as possible. The man standing behind let out a relieved huff.

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