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Chapter 28:

"I don't want to kill her, you neanderthal." Dracula turned back to you and smiled. "I want to turn her into a vampire, of course."

You gaped at him in stunned silence. Dracula grinned, like he was expecting you to jump and down in glee. But that wasn't what you were feeling.

"You... you want to turn me into a vampire?" You croaked, your throat going dry. Dracula nodded eagerly.

"Of course, it's the answer to all our problems. And can you just imagine Lazarus' face when he finds his last hope gone?" Dracula laughed, tilting his head back and you gulped, tensing up. He and Rosemary shared a sinister smile before focusing back on you. Jungkook slowly sank back down on the couch next to you.

"How would that even work?" Jungkook's voice sounded like all that anger and intensity had been sucked out. He was quiet, and his voice trembled slightly. You looked up at him to see him staring right at Dracula, not acknowledging your stare. He scooted a half foot away from you, so he as no longer touching you and you frowned deeply. His reaction confused you. Dracula rubbed his chin thoughtfully and flicked his gaze up and down your small frame.

"Well, first you would need to ingest some of my blood. Then I would need to kill you and you'd be reborn into a vampire." He grinned. "I'm not sure it would work if you ingested a different vampire's blood, but since you are my descendant, then I believe I am the only one who can turn you." He smiled simply, like he was explaining the rules to a game.

"So... you're saying there's a chance it might not work?" You murmured, shaking your head. You didn't want to die, you didn't want there to be a chance that you might die. And yet, he was proposing for you to literally become the undead.

"A very very small chance." Dracula said, pinching his forefinger and thumb together. "But it's a chance we should be willing to take." He added, raising his eyebrows at you.

We, you thought. Except this wasn't a chance that he would be taking, it was a chance that you would be taking. He wasn't the one in danger of dying, you were. He didn't seem to understand that or care.

"How does this benefit me in any way?" You asked, your voice hoarse as you narrowed your eyes. "Right now, all I can see is it benefiting you." You added, your eyes flickering between Dracula and Rosemary. Dracula glanced at Rosemary, who was giving you an wicked smirk. She opened her mouth, her ruby lips popping against her translucent skin.

"You're on the run from Lazarus, yes?" She asked sweetly. You clenched your jaw and she nodded knowingly. "You will never be able to live a normal life as a human because Lazarus will never stop chasing you." She slowly, as if speaking to a child. You clenched your fists.

"That problem can be fixed by killing Lazarus." You spat bitterly. Jungkook flinched next to you and you immediately felt guilty. You'd never said something like that out loud before. Back at the café, he was the one to suggest killing Lazarus, and you hadn't liked the idea. But here, now... you were grasping at straws.

"Yes, well the Elders will never let you live, either. You have too much power." Dracula argued, his gleeful smile now pressed into a thin-lipped one. It didn't look like he was expecting resistance from you. He was probably expecting you to jump at the chance even though you'd been spending all your time around vampires, so you knew exactly what it meant. It wasn't just about getting super strength and immortality.

"Too much power? Just because I can't be controlled?" You growled, feeling that same helpless anger comeback in full force. Were these all-powerful monsters really that afraid of one human? Dracula let out a deep sigh.

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