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Chapter 38:

"Hey, Y/N... Long time no see." Jimin smirked as you let out a shaky breath, leaning on the guardrail. You swallowed and made your way down the rest of the stairs as his eyes followed your movement.

"I was worried about you." You whispered, taking a few steps closer. Jimin coughed and looked away, avoiding your eyes.

"I can't imagine why." He mumbled. "Considering everything I did to you and was planning to do... I expected you to still be angry."

"I was—I am. But that doesn't mean I wasn't worried too. I still care about you." You smiled and blinked back a few tears. "Besides... you came through when it counted. You saved me and everyone else."

You turned as Jungkook appeared at the top of the stairs, his hair still tousled from sleep. Taehyung emerged from the dining room and avoided your gaze. You looked around at the three, all finally back in one place. Everyone's relationship with each other had changed drastically in such a short time. This could definitely get awkward.

"Where were you?" Taehyung asked finally, breaking the silence. Jimin looked over at the other vampire and sighed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Resigning myself to my fate, obviously. It's not every day you destroy your entire purpose for existing... literally." He laughed humorlessly. You pressed your lips together, watching him warily. He said it so casually, but you knew it wasn't something trivial. You just hoped this change would be for the better and wouldn't send him into a spiral.

You couldn't seem to find the right words to say as you stared at the vampire who'd been conspiring to kill you and use you the entire time you'd known him. You wanted to still be angry at him or to still be distrustful of him. But looking at him now, all you could feel was relief. Before you could process you actions, you moved forward until you reached him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. You felt him stiffen and let out a small gasp. You squeezed tighter, closing your eyes. It took a few moments, but he finally returned the hug, awkwardly patting your back.

His arms wrapped around your waist and he squeezed, much to your surprise. He seemed to be shaking, as if struggling to hold in his emotions. You sighed against him, feeling his mouth bury in your shoulder. You felt him take in a sniff and you stiffened. You tried pulling away, but he held firm, pressing his nose against your neck. He inhaled deeply and your struggled, pushing against his chest.

"Jimin—" You heard Jungkook start, but he'd already let you go. You stumbled back, backing away as Jimin's eyes met yours, his expression hard.

"You smell..."

"I don't have any resistant powers anymore." You said, feeling Jungkook behind you. He placed a hand on your shoulder and you immediately felt reassured. You straightened your back as Jimin stared at you incredulously. "I can't change anyone else." You finished, taking Jungkook's hand. Jimin's eyes dropped to your hands, then back up to you and you saw his lip curl.

"Well, isn't that just the icing on the cake. So you ended up with everything, didn't you? Your boyfriend's human again and you don't have to worry about anyone being after you. Meanwhile we're still cursed." He gestured at Taehyung, who stiffened. You sighed, frowning at him.

"Don't do that." You said, shaking your head. You dropped Jungkook's hand and crossed your arms. "Don't start this." Jimin looked at you and even though his face was hard, you could see the softness in the eyes. He sneered.

"Why not? It's what I do, isn't it?"

You shook your head. "It's what you used to do. You're not that person anymore." You said solemnly. Jimin let out a humorless laugh.

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